It's funny how just yesterday morning we were getting up to do yet another school run, yet this morning school runs almost felt like they were in another lifetime. Little Miss C has fully embraced the idea of getting up and not having to put her school uniform on and in that sod's law kind of way she bounced out of bed without any encouragement at 7.15am and by 7.30 was dressed and raring to go. School morning's normally take lots of me hurrying her along and yet the morning I don't need her to get up on time she does! Thursday is the girls day here as Master C goes off to nursery for ... read more
Doing a grand job
Thank you for all your kind words after my outpouring of frustration on here the other day. Things can seem pretty bleak when you're sleep deprived and stuck at home with a poorly one, whilst also having to balance the needs of their sister, plus work obligations. There's no such thing as time off when you're self employed and in the middle of trying to remortgage your house! I'm delighted to say that Master C finally seems to be over the sickness bug that knocked him low for a week. As a result his general mood has improved significantly, making life somewhat easier. Eating is still a ... read more
When things aren’t as you imagined
I tend to keep this blog a happy place. To write about the nicer things in life rather than the mundane day to day. At the moment though the day to day is taking over somewhat and to be honest we're struggling with it. The thing is about 10 months ago Master C became difficult. I never expected life with two small children to be a walk in the park, and at first just put all our problems down to "a phase" but nearly a year later I'm definitely thinking that this is no phase. It's not just a few things either. By now his behaviour is completely ruling our life and making things pretty ... read more
And that was that!
The house is quiet. Little Miss C is finally back at school and her brother is upstairs napping. At my side is a cup of some special tea that the bloke in the local health food shop convinced me to buy this morning. For the first time in about three weeks I'm as close to feeling calm as I have ever done since having children. The Easter holidays are over and despite there being some highs I have to say that boy was that tough! And now I've managed to speak too soon. Master C has magically woken from his nap a whole hour earlier than usual and despite not going to sleep until gone 10 ... read more
So that was Christmas 2013…
... and what a damp squib it ended up being! After more than a month of being ill I felt woefully unprepared for Christmas and therefore spend the last few days running round like a mad woman trying to sort everything and make sure I'd done all the practical stuff like send cards, buy gifts, wrap them and pick up the pre-ordered Christmas cake and other food bits that my mum had asked me to provide. All was going well when we piled in the car to head up north and apart from forgetting to pack my slippers it seemed like we'd pulled it off without incident. How wrong I was. On Christmas ... read more
Standing Tall
I'm already realising that with a second child you don't necessarily keep track of all the milestones quite as well as you did with child number one. With two of them to look after and entertain things creep up on you rather quickly and before you know it your little one with suddenly doing something that you're sure they couldn't do just moments before. Master C made some first attempts towards crawling in early April and the last two or three weeks he's made big progress with this. He also now gets himself to a sitting position and can sit quite confidently playing with ... read more
I think that's the most politically correct word to use for today, especially when today followed the weekend we've just had. This last weekend has been a particularly emotional and tiring one. We picked LMC up from nursery early on Friday and drove north to my Mum's house, before heading further north on Saturday to scatter my Dad's ashes on the North Yorkshire Moors. After weeks of cold windy weather we were lucky to see the Moors in their full sunlit glory and it really did feel like a very fitting final resting place for my Dad. He loved the Moors and many family memories ... read more
… and the little one said “roll over, roll over” …
That's what we're singing in the C household this week as Master C has learnt to roll over. The slight problem is that he's only properly mastered going from his back to his front and only managed to go the other way by accident rather than intentionally. He's rather proud of this new skill though and practices at every possible opportunity, but he isn't so keen about being on his front for any prolonged period. Hence, I need to keep rolling him back onto his back to keep him happy. It's all very cute to watch, but possibly not so cute when he decides to try it out in ... read more
Food, glorious food!
I've had my suspicions for a while that Master C has been rather hungry. Firstly he went from sleeping 6 or 7 hours at night through to at worst waking every 90 minutes for a feed. And it was only a feed he needed in the night as he would go back to sleep as soon as he'd had some and general comforting wouldn't have any effect at all. His feeds were also starting to last longer and longer and this was accompanied by chewing on his own hands and anything else that he managed to get into his mouth. When I took him along to my weekly knitting group he'd sit there completely ... read more
Three hours
I'm sure I can't be the only person who gets to the end of the day and wonders what I've actually acheived that day. When you're at home with little ones it can be quite easy to just concentrate on "surviving" and it can be easy to lose track of what has kept you busy all day. Realistically though, stay at home parents usually acheive loads, but they simply don't have the time to step back and take stock of just what they have done. This morning Mr C went out to a first aid course so I thought I'd keep track of just what I got up to in that time - admitedly, ... read more