Having a party is always fun but it is also a lot of work. That is unless you make it an easy task. When you want to have people over to celebrate your birthday or any other special event or just because making the planning and preparation stages easy and fun is far more enjoyable than toiling over never-ending checklists that are pure drudgery. Instead, use the tips below to ensure you have an unforgettable event. Image Credit Stock the Bar A well-stocked beverage bar is always in order. Find out what your guests prefer to drink, and make sure you have the necessary ingredients on ... read more
7 Easy Ways To Plan a Christmas Dinner
One of the best things about Christmas is the food. From traditional roast dinners to more unusual dishes, there's something for everyone to enjoy. However, planning and cooking a Christmas dinner can be a daunting task, especially if you're doing it for the first time. This article will give you some tips on how to make sure your Christmas dinner is a success. Photo by Brett Sayles These Tips Include: Make a budget and stick to it.Choose the right recipesGet organisedMake ahead where possibleDon't be afraid to ask for helpEnjoy yourself!After dinner Here's An Overview Of ... read more
Can We Bring Back The Roaring 20s Spirit?
The days of P.G. Wodehouse and Nancy Mitford were already a century ago, and it is hard to imagine that the Roaring Twenties were 100 years ago. The mind immediately jumps to the iconic Jeeves's stories, brought to the screen through Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry's portrayal of the vibrant, party-loving, and sociable 1920s. Wouldn't it be nice if life could be just as carefree and exciting as it once was? The truth is that, while we may not have a valet to look after our homes or a set of pearls to wear extravagantly around our neck, there is nothing that stops us from reviving the ... read more
“Naughty” Foods With Some Surprising Health Benefits
Pixabay (CC0 Licence) It can often feel like you can’t pick up a newspaper or switch on daytime TV without being informed of another food that is bad for you. Since around the turn of the century, there have been multiple developments in recommended diets, with articles telling us that the key to living longer and more healthily is to go gluten-free, or to switch to a keto diet, or to bin dairy foods. All of these pieces of advice suffer from the same shortcoming, which is that eating healthily is too complicated to be summed up in a few sentences - what’s good for one person may not be so ... read more
8 Easy Tips to Make Healthy Food Taste Nice
Who said healthy foods have to be bland and boring? It is possible to get the best of both worlds. Healthy options can taste great and still nourish your body. Anyone who believes that healthy foods can never taste good does not know how to cook and season them correctly to enjoy their natural taste. Here are a few ways to make healthy food taste nice and make you more likely to enjoy indulging: Roast your vegetables The taste of super healthy vegetables can be a little repulsive if consumed straight raw or just steamed. One way to eat your veggies and enjoy their taste is by roasting ... read more
Nutrition For Every Age – 7 Foods You Should Invest In 2022
Women have to deal with a lot all their life. Career, family, friends, expectations from society, peer pressure, everyday stress related to work, their health, and so much more. The year 2020 and even this year has been exceptionally trying for them but they have come out winners. Making them stronger is everyone's responsibility. Supporting the women in your life is what you should make your priority so that they can continue to inspire the world. This blog helps you do just that and a lot more for them. Let's find out how every woman can make a big difference in her life by making a few ... read more
Jump-Start Your Mornings With These Energy Filled Food Items
How often have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Uncountable times, right? It provides you the energy to work all day and also improves your metabolism. Even though studies have proven that breakfast is good for health, what food you eat plays the most important role here. In simple terms, not every food item should be eaten as the first meal of the day. For instance, pancakes, muffins, toasted pastries, and non-fat sweetened yogurt are actually bad for your health. These can increase cholesterol levels, reduce energy and also lead to obesity. ... read more
Foods That Can Help You Relieve Stress
Stress is becoming part of everyone's life in this fast-paced urban world. Stress has nothing to do with age; from teenagers to old-age people, anyone can be facing the issue. It is advisable to indulge in various stress-relieving activities daily or whenever you get time. Stress can cause various physical health issues as well. It can also turn into more severe mental health issues such as anxiety and depression requiring clinical help. People are not putting enough effort into taking time out for themselves. But it is of utmost importance to do so, to have a mentally and physically ... read more
Cooking For Singles – Practical Ideas For Solo Cooks
Life is incredible if you are single, and most people validate it with first-hand experience. You get to live your way in your place, and your solo home is your haven. It is easy to enjoy freedom in everything you do, from decorating your living space to cooking meals of your choice. While the life of a solo cook sounds simple, it can easily get overwhelming if you don’t know the rules of cooking for singles. Eating a bowl of cereal every second meal is easy, but it can eventually take a toll on your taste buds. But you may not want to spend time cooking a lavish buffet just for ... read more
Fresh Farm Produce – Is It Worth All the Buzz?
'No, you cannot have your cookie unless you eat your veggies.' If your childhood was anything like mine, you heard this ALL the time. Those dreaded florets of broccoli and asparagus sticks were enough to give me a nightmare. But the promise of the wonderfully sweet cookie made it worth it. If parents worldwide say the same things, there must be some truth in it, right? Well, as we grew up, some of us developed a taste for greens, but almost all of us agree they are superfoods. Moreover, eating fresh fruits and vegetables is considered better for our health. But what exactly does fresh ... read more