Saving money on your energy bills is one of those thrifty things that should be easy. There are sites out there offering to help you save money on your bills by finding the best tariff based on your usage and where you live, but the key thing that you have to remember is that these sites are just helping you at one moment in time. On the day that you enter your details they assess the market and tell you what the best deal is for you that day. But what about when your current deal ends? Do you remember to make a note of when your deal is due to end? Or do you just wait until you see that ... read more
How To Save Money With The London Explorer Pass
London can be an amazing city to visit. It will give you some unique experiences you won't have on any other trip. It is one of the best places in the world for art, culture, and history, and also for nightlife, attractions, shopping, and general fun. However, London can also be very expensive. Whether you are visiting from another part of the UK or from abroad, the cost of going out in London can be high, and even for people who live in London, visiting the biggest attractions can seem extremely expensive. Luckily, there are packages designed to make a day out or a weekend in London as ... read more
The changing face of Bingo
When you hear the word bingo what do you think of? I think how you answer that question depends very much on your age and the generation in which you grew up. My first memories of bingo as a child was that it was a game that my Nan went out to play. She went to the social club at the end of her road and had a few games on a regular basis. I think they even played at the day care centre that she went to later on in life. I also remember that we had a bingo set at her house and my sister and I used to set it all up and play a few games with her in her spare bedroom when we went to spend ... read more
Satisfying my little train addict with a Family and Friends Railcard #maketracks
Anyone who knows me will know that Master C is a massive train fan. He's just obsessed with them. One of his most common questions at the moment is "Mummy.... When are we going to do something trainy?" Combine his train addition with my love of all things thrifty, and it will be no surprise to hear how big a fan I am of the Family and Friends Railcard. We've had one since Little Miss C was old enough to need train tickets buying for her (children under the age of five don't need a ticket on most trains) and it must have saved us hundreds and hundreds of pounds in that time. Living in St ... read more
The best things in life are free
It may sound like a bit of a cliche, but the the truth is that the best things in life are free, especially if you're having to tighten your belt a bit financially, like were having to at the moment. Years ago, free samples were the sort of things that you might get given as you walked through a shopping centre or past all the shops in the centre of town. Occasionally you might even get someone come to your door offering things like washing powder or other domestic products. The advance of the internet has changed all that though, and the people giving out free samples in the street have been ... read more
Saving Money with LED Lighting
If you’re frugal with your household bills, and looking for an extra way to cut costs, you might want to try LED lighting. LED lighting is one of the major ways to save money on your bills, without compromising on the quality of your lights. Here’s how you can save money with LED lighting. How LED Saves Money LED saves money for two reasons: firstly, LED bulbs use less electricity than traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs. Secondly, they last for more longer than other types of light bulbs. You can replace a 60w halogen bulb with a 9w LED bulb – this will use 85% less electricity. ... read more
Moving House The Thrifty Way
Moving to a new house has got to be one of the most expensive things you can do. If you are buying, you have likely already landed thousands on a deposit, legal fees and insurance. If you are renting, you’ve already spent time saving up for a few months of rent and a holding deposit, as well as letting fees. This is all before you pay out for a moving van and potentially a hotel to hold you over until everything is unpacked. Like we said – expensive! Image Source Thankfully, there are ways to save money when you move to a new home. From checking out storage near you and bartering on ... read more
British Steaks at Aldi – Peppered Steak Recipe
Steak is one of those meals that I love, but one that I don't cook very often. Not because it's difficult or anything like that, but mainly because I always look at it as a bit of a treat and hence something that can be a bit expensive. When Aldi sent me through some steak facts and a tasty looking recipe for Peppered Steak (see below) I thought I'd better rectify that matter. It did prompt some questions between me and the other half about what type of steak we both like, and also how we like our steak cooked. Compatible as we are, it turned out that both of us are in the 22% of the ... read more
How To Get Free Makeup & Perfume
It might seem unbelievable to get free makeup, but the truth is that it is quite easy to get many great samples and some full sized ones too. Getting free makeup is as easy as visiting makeup company websites, visiting makeup counters in department stores, and clipping coupons in the Sunday paper. If you want to learn about some additional strategies for getting free makeup, keep reading. 1. Free Makeup from Department Stores Go to your local department store like John Lewis, Debenhams or House Of Fraser and head for your favorite makeup counter. It is important to check online as well ... read more
How to buy toys cheaply with The Amazing Mystery Box
As a parent I'm always looking at thrifty ways to live life and provide for my kids. The truth is that family life is expensive and there always seem to be things that need buying. One area where I try really hard to save money though is when it comes to gifts - both for my own kids and for others - and hence I'm always after ways to buy toys cheaply. I'm often trying to pick up things that I know my kids wants for birthday and Christmas in advance when I see them in a sale or promotion, and I also have a "present cupboard" where I pop things that I pick up over the year that can then be used ... read more