It’s funny how just yesterday morning we were getting up to do yet another school run, yet this morning school runs almost felt like they were in another lifetime. Little Miss C has fully embraced the idea of getting up and not having to put her school uniform on and in that sod’s law kind of way she bounced out of bed without any encouragement at 7.15am and by 7.30 was dressed and raring to go. School morning’s normally take lots of me hurrying her along and yet the morning I don’t need her to get up on time she does!
Thursday is the girls day here as Master C goes off to nursery for the day, so in that as it was a nice easy start to the holiday. LMC was keen to get stuck into the craft stuff the came from Craft Merrily yesterday and so I let her do exactly that this morning. It was her first proper attempt at following a Hama beads pattern and she actually did OK until something else caught her attention.
She was very keen to try out the gel crayons, despite my best attempts to save them for Master C. Having had a very quick play myself I think these would be idea for him as they really don’t require much pressure to be applied to use them. I managed to make rather a nice effect with them, but LMC was keen to press down as hard as possible, leaving a bit of a sticky mess and a now blue oilcloth tablecloth in her wake. She had lots of fun though!
The other thing that kept her very amused was playing with the camera that we were sent last year as part of a kids’ summer photography challenge. Not only was she busy snapping away around the house, but she also documented the whole car journey to the supermarket and all the clothes that I looked at whilst we were there. Much to the amusement of the staff running the M&S changing rooms today I did finally manage to convince her that taking photos of everyone in there wasn’t such a good idea. She did get plenty of old people stopping her to give her photography tips though which confused her slightly.
Thursday is also the day that LMC goes to her swimming lesson – something that she’s started to love again in recent weeks. Sadly today’s lesson was disrupted somewhat by the lifeguard spotting a suspect brown object on the pool floor and evacuating it for a “poo check”. Luckily one dad who was swimming with his family was pretty convinced that it wasn’t one and once they’d raised the pool floor up happily scooped it up in his hand and demonstrated that it was only a leaf. Still – five minutes of lesson wasted and it ruined the flow of the lesson for the kids somewhat too.
The day went somewhat downhill from there. I had a meeting scheduled at Master C’s nursery to talk to the staff about him and that threw up some real contradictions from our trip to the paediatrician yesterday. I finished yesterday thinking that I was somewhat on top of everything, but then it turns out that behaviours that I was worried about at home aren’t demonstrated at nursery at all, and things that he does or doesn’t do at home are actually opposite to what he does at nursery, giving them concerns that I didn’t have before. Suddenly it’s all got much more complicated that I thought and the rest of my evening tonight is going to be busy researching other things that I thought I didn’t need to worry about. Ho hum.
Combining this feeling of everything being different to our expectations yesterday with the heat we’ve had today and the kids’ exhaustion meant that bedtime tonight was a bit fraught, but we survived. Even if we did turn to cider immediately afterwards.
Tomorrow I’m going to brave taking them both to London in this heat to meet with an old friend. This could go one of two ways…
I’m loving the craft filled morning, I think I need to get Roo’s hama beads out so that we can make some fabulous creations too
I’m desperate to have a go with them on my own one evening!
Really hope you get some resolution with Master C. It sounds like a lovely day, it is amazing how quickly they move into holiday mode, much easier than us I think. I’ve a tween, so midday wake ups, which can be tricky and good at the same time. Gives me chance to seen time with the youngest on her own. Good luck in. London. We are off to a Cricket tournament, where my daughter has been asked to be twelve man. (No clue what that means though)
OK – so the term “twelve man” means absolutely zero to me too!