CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels Most people have a hobby they love, and it can be the source of great joy in your life. But some take up a lot of space or require somewhere safe to work. The garage is often just sitting there as a storage room. So, here are some easy ways to make more garage space for your hobby. Have a Good Old Clear Out It's all too easy to let things just pile up in the garage, and many people do this while the car sits out in the rain! However, the car can look after itself for the most part. If you need extra space, the garage provides an excellent spare ... read more
Signs That Something Isn’t Quite Right With Your Home
Image Credit - CC0 License Do you feel like there might be something wrong with your home, but you’re not entirely sure? It might be the case that something feels a bit off but you’ve got no proof that there is an issue. Or, maybe you’ve seen certain things that have made you think that there is an issue, but you’ve ignored them up to now thinking that everything would just be fine. You should never ignore a feeling like this, and you should never ignore physical signs that something isn’t quite right. Even if it turns out to be nothing, you at least need to have the space checked ... read more
How to Save Money When Buying a Car
Finding a car can be a very big financial decision, and it is very easy to overspend if you're not careful about the choices that you are making. Whether you are looking for a brand-new vehicle or a reliable used car, there are many ways that you can save money while making a good purchase. Some of the essential tips that will help you to keep costs down when you are buying your next car you will find: Photo by Esmihel Muhammed : Determine Your Budget Before You Shop Before you even step into a ... read more
Take Your Home Up A Notch By Making Some Simple Improvements
Take your home up a notch by making simple improvements. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? That’s because it can be. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or anything complicated, you can simply look at your home, work out where it needs improving and get it done. If you do this, then you’re going to find that your home looks a hundred times better to you, and that’s what’s important, right? Down below, we’re going to be giving you our advice on where to start, so keep reading if you would like to find out more. Location Image - CC0 License The Kitchen The first thing that we want ... read more
Health checks to keep on top of each year
Photo by Anna Shvets: A trip to the opticians for an eye test, a visit to the dentist to check your teeth and a hearing test, are all important things that you should be checking on a yearly basis, to ensure your overall health is at its best. Keeping on top of your health is important as looking after yourself will prevent anything deteriorating, which could affect your physical and mental health. Your health is the most important part of your life, that everyone should look after. You ... read more
The 5 Most Common Entry Points For Burglars
Pexels. CCO Licensed. In order to prevent a burglary, it can be useful to know where burglars are most likely to enter. Research into home intrusions has helped identify the most common entry points for burglars. Here are the top 5 ways a burglar is likely to enter a home - and what you can do to keep your home secure. Front door: 34% Over a third of burglars use the front door to access a home. How they enter our front door can vary. Many burglars simply use a key. A poorly placed spare key (such as placing it under the doormat) can make your home an easy target for ... read more
How to Help Your Parent Settle In Without the Stress
Image credit Having a parent move in with you is a big moment. It’s more than just figuring out where their furniture will go, it’s about helping them feel at home in a new space without losing their sense of independence. Overall, just trying to make the home more elderly-friendly can be a bit of a challenge. And yes, it’s a change for everyone involved, but with some prep and a little humour, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Sure, that sounds generic enough, but there’s honestly some truth behind it. So, with that said, here’s how you can create a smooth transition when your ... read more
5 Reasons to Grow Your Own Vegetables This Year
Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels If you have thought about growing your own food but have not done it yet, now is the time! It is a new year, and with that comes the opportunity to try new things, expand our skills, and enjoy fresh produce in our homes. While you can also grow fruits and herbs to enjoy, let’s focus on vegetables today. There are many benefits to starting to plant them in your garden, and these are the top five reasons. 1. Lower Food Costs If you go to the shop a lot and are on a budget, you already know the cost of food is high. As much as you work, with the kids ... read more
How to Prioritise Your Mental Health This Year
Source If there’s one thing that we all deserve to see a lot more of in life it’s happiness! We live in a world where stress has become almost normal and it’s a huge contributor to a lot of negativity and pain in our lives. However, that doesn’t mean we have to let our mental health suffer because of it. Instead, we can aim to make it a priority and turn things around. Let’s take a look at how. 1. Set Stronger Boundaries Firstly, you’re certainly going to want to make sure that you look at your key stressors in life and aim to get things in shape. Of course, if you know that you’re ... read more
Budget-Friendly Ways to Upgrade Your Home’s Lighting
There are few things more important to the comfort, warmth, and safety of your home than your lighting. If yours currently isn’t doing the trick, then you might want to look at replacing, upgrading, or adding to your existing light fixtures. However, it can be expensive if you don’t put some limits on your budget. For that reason, we’re going to look at a host of budget-friendly strategies and lighting options that can help you achieve the results you want without breaking the bank, whether it’s helping your spaces feel cozy, improving their sense of space, or bringing some modern ... read more