That's what we're singing in the C household this week as Master C has learnt to roll over. The slight problem is that he's only properly mastered going from his back to his front and only managed to go the other way by accident rather than intentionally.
He's rather proud of this new skill though and practices at every possible opportunity, but he isn't so keen about being on his front for any prolonged period. Hence, I need to keep rolling him back onto his back to keep him happy. It's all very cute to watch, but possibly not so cute when he decides to try it out in his cot at 3am, over and over again. I counted that we went in 15 times the other night just to roll him back and of course at some of these wake ups he also decides he's hungry once he sees one of us!
I know it's just a phase and that the novelty will wear off at some point, but until then I could just do with a tad more sleep. Or to find a way to wear him out more in the daytime so that he's too tired to practice at night. But then he flashes that smile and looks at me with those big brown eyes and of course all is forgiven!
Lovely pic – it’s so exciting isn’t it?
I’ve just – today – started a new blog hop, The Friday Baby Shower, for all things new baby and would absolutely love for you to link up – new posts and great oldies very welcome
Alice @ Mums Make Lists xxx
I really hope the novelty wears off soon. Sending virtual cups of tea and plenty of cake x
Thank you. The novelty did wear off, but only to be replaced by a cold and big snuffles all night!