Mrs C is in her thirties and lives in St Albans with Mr C, six year old Little Miss C and four year old Master C .
I am always more than happy to talk to companies who want to work with me here on Being Mrs C.
If your product or service is relevant to me and my family I will happily write a full and honest review for you. I am also happy to undertake video reviews and for some products find this a better way of demonstrating a product than a written review. All I would ask that I am able to keep any product provided for review – after all, have you tried separating a child from a toy that they’ve just fallen in love with?
I am always delighted to be invited to promotional events and often find that these are a better way of engaging with me and my readers. I am based in St Albans and can easily travel to London. I am more than happy to travel further afield to go to something that really interests me and would appeal to my readers. For trips like this I would always ask for reasonable travel expenses to be met.
If you have a product that you would like to offer as a prize to my readers then I am happy to run a competition on my blog for you. Please have a look at previous competitions that I have run on the blog. I do charge a fee for running competitions to cover my time.
If a company or product that I already use really impresses me then I may well blog about it anyway. If that is the case then I will point out that is the case and that no money has exchanged hands. So, if you want free advertising then you’d better try to impress me!
For years radio has been a huge passion of mine and it was even my childhood ambition to work in radio. Over the last few years I’ve been working hard on making that childhood ambition more of a reality. I now do a monthly thrifty slot on Radio Verulum’s West Herts Drivetime where I talk about various money saving issues and how to make what you have go further. It not only covers thrifty issues but also several environmental things.
I have been a guest on BBC Three Counties radio, both in studio and via the phone, to talk about subjects as wide ranging as saving money, recycling bin problems and four year olds still wearing nappies.
I am a regular caller to TalkRADIO and have appeared at some point on Paul Ross, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Jon Holmes and Iain Lee’s shows.
Building on from my radio work I am also proud to be one third of These People Podcast. In this newly launched weekly podcast the three of us basically just have a chat. It may sound a bit random, but it seems to be working rather well so far!
I am happy to appear in Google Hangouts to discuss pretty much anything that I know about. Previous hangouts that I have been involved in range from gardening tips to toddler sleep problems to teenage drinking. If you are interested in inviting me to join a Hangout then please get in touch.
I am not currently accept “sponsored” or “guest” posts on Being Mrs C.
Please note that all links included in posts for reviews, competitions or anything else promotional will be “nofollow” links to fit in with Google’s Terms and Conditions. This is to your benefit as well as mine as both bloggers and brands have been stung in the past by Google removing page ranks for paid for follow links. It also goes without saying that all commercial arrangements for promotional blog posts of any sort will be disclaimed in the post to fit in with UK advertising law. Sorry, but these two points are non-negotiable.
I can be contacted via email here or via Twitter @BeingMrsC. I look forward to hearing from you.
Updated October 2016.