Thank you for all your kind words after my outpouring of frustration on here the other day. Things can seem pretty bleak when you’re sleep deprived and stuck at home with a poorly one, whilst also having to balance the needs of their sister, plus work obligations. There’s no such thing as time off when you’re self employed and in the middle of trying to remortgage your house!
I’m delighted to say that Master C finally seems to be over the sickness bug that knocked him low for a week. As a result his general mood has improved significantly, making life somewhat easier. Eating is still a battle – magnified by the fact that he’s trying to build himself back up after a week of being ill. He’s therefore constantly hungry, but only wanting to eat a very narrow range of things. Frustrating for both me and him.
I am also now armed with a couple of new books that people reading this recommended to try to help me understand his behaviour better. Just as soon as I’ve caught up on sleep I’ll be sitting down with both of these and trying to get my head around why he does what he does, and what I can do to help him more.
One of the nicest thing to have come out of the last week has to be this postcard which appeared on my doormat yesterday. Sent by my wonderful sister, it’s a perfect reminder that all us mums that are trying to keep it all together when everything goes to pot around us are “doing a grand job”, even if no one stops to tell us.
Thanks Sis for the reminder. x
You are indeed my lovely!
Thanks Becky x
What a lovely, vintage looking postcard! My grandma used to send me postcards every time they went on holiday – I have a bag filled with them! Glad Master C is feeling better now 🙂 x
Thank you – I now want to know where my sister found the postcard and if she’s got any more tucked away!
And you really are doing a grand job. Motherhood is hard enough when things so smoothly, let alone when they don’t. Recognizing when things are getting frustrating and trying to find solutions to help as you have is the positive way forward x
Thanks Annie – as you say, sometime hard to see the wood for the trees.
Ah you need a reminder sometimes don’t you? It can feel like you’re constantly striving, and just pushing water uphill sometimes when you’re parenting. Shout any time you need a hand – you know where I am x
Thanks Helen x
I’m glad things are a little more settled. I hope running in the sun makes master c more tolerant to try new foods.
I hope so too. It’s so upsetting to see him screaming with hunger, yet refusing what I put in front of him.
oh how fabulous is that?! Postcards “back then” were so much more exciting than they are now. And your sis sounds lovely to have thought of you and sent that just when you needed it most.
What a lovely thing for your sister to do.I hope you have a fab weekend to make up for the past week and the books you’re reading help.
We all need a little reminder sometimes.
Glad little fella is on the mend. x
So glad you’re out the other side Penny – it sounded a pretty awful time – when things are hard enough already! Thank you for the reminder. I hope you’ve pinned that lovely thoughtful card somewhere you can see it all the time xx