When you hear the word bingo what do you think of?
I think how you answer that question depends very much on your age and the generation in which you grew up. My first memories of bingo as a child was that it was a game that my Nan went out to play. She went to the social club at the end of her road and had a few games on a regular basis. I think they even played at the day care centre that she went to later on in life. I also remember that we had a bingo set at her house and my sister and I used to set it all up and play a few games with her in her spare bedroom when we went to spend the day with her as children whilst my mum worked. For my OH, he remembers his Nan going to the local village hall for a bingo session or two and I think for that generation of women it’s what many of them did as a key part of their social life. The games may not have been formally organised (and who knows where bingo stood with gambling laws back then!) but women of a certain age really enjoyed it.
Apart from playing with my Nan, much of my bingo experience comes from playing at various Women’s Institute events. Both Tea and Tents and Wine and Wigwams featured evening bingo games. Again, it was all done very casually with bingo books ordered from the internet and small prizes of bags of Haribo (gambling rules I’m led to believe mean you can’t offer cash prizes without some sort of registration or similar). For over a year now we’ve been planning a WI trip out to one of the big bingo halls, but we’re yet to get organised enough to make it happen.
The world of bingo has moved on further though and nowadays many women (and men) play bingo online from the comfort of their own homes. Online bingo sites mean that you can log on and start a game pretty much whenever you want, at any time of the day or night. The social element of the game hasn’t disappeared though as accompanying chatrooms on the sites mean that people can chat to others that are playing the games with them and in many cases friendships have formed as a result.
There are so many online bingo sites though that it can be difficult to know which one to choose for the type of game that you want. Do you want one with big cash prizes? One that gives you free games? Which sites have a special offer on for the time of day that you want to play? Are certain sites better on different days of the week? Which sites offer you extra games when you register with them? So many questions, but that’s where a site like Bingo Kings can help. They review and compare bingo sites for those looking for the best deals. In their site reviews they include screenshots and details of how to obtain the best deals from the different sites.
Online bingo sites can be a bit of a minefield in terms of knowing what’s out there and what offers are available. With Bingo Kings you can navigate your way through the minefield to find the best deals and start playing, and hopefully winning, as soon as possible.
Bingo image from Shutterstock.
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