Saving money on your energy bills is one of those thrifty things that should be easy. There are sites out there offering to help you save money on your bills by finding the best tariff based on your usage and where you live, but the key thing that you have to remember is that these sites are just helping you at one moment in time. On the day that you enter your details they assess the market and tell you what the best deal is for you that day.
But what about when your current deal ends? Do you remember to make a note of when your deal is due to end? Or do you just wait until you see that your monthly payments go up and then go back to the initial site and start all over again? For that time period in-between you’ll be paying more for your bills. Effectively wasting money. Money that I’m sure you’d be better off doing something else with.
The truth is that we all live incredibly busy lives. We always seems to be rushing from one place to another. Juggling work with family and home life. Having a diary reminder that an energy deal is coming to an end is one thing, but being able to act on it the day that reminder comes up isn’t always possible. Especially if it’s just a reminder that pops up on your phone just as you’re the middle of something else. There’s a reason that I end up setting about half a dozen alarms in my phone for something that’s very important.
What we really all need is someone to look after our bills for us, and that’s exactly what Look After My Bills can do.
It really is simple. All you need to do is register with Look After My Bills here, which takes about 2 minutes, and then they do the rest. Behind the scenes their advanced algorithms work out the best deal for you and switch you on to it. They tell you what they’re doing, but you don’t need to lift a finger. Instead you’ll just see the savings on your regular energy bills.
Once the deal you’re on comes to an end you just sit back and relax whilst Look After My Bills live up to their name. They reassess the market and switch you again onto the deal that is now best for you.
It completely removes all the hassle and means that you have one less thing to remember.
Look After My Bills is brought to you by the people behind energy switching site The Big Deal. The Big Deal has been going since 2014, and in that time has amassed over 400,000 members. The way it work is that their collective bargaining power has negotiated exclusive deals in energy and broadband, and these have saved members a total of £15 million, with an average per member of over £300 a year. Just imagine what you could do with an extra £300 at the end of the year!
We’re about to move house and I currently have to do lists coming out my ears for things like setting up all the utilities at our new address. Being the thrifty person that I am, I will definitely be looking to get a good deal on everything, but I also know that with my crazy busy life I won’t be in a position to remember to set a calendar reminder to change them again when the current deals run out, let alone actually having time to do it in a year or two. Things like this just involve so much “personal admin” and I have to admit that it can be a bore to do it all again and again. Even when you’re super organised and totally on top of everything like that it still takes time and effort and I’d much rather spend that time doing something fun with my family.
Now I know that I can just set everything up once with Look After My Bills and that will be us sorted going forwards. How about a similar service for regular online supermarket shops too? You upload a shopping list somehow (milk, bread and other regulars) and then it just orders what you want from wherever is cheapest that week. The time (and money) that would save would be immense.
We’ve a huge number of DIY projects planned over the next few years, so that extra £300 a year saving we will hopefully make on our energy bills will come in very handy for buying paint, wall paper and all that sort of practical thing. You never know, we might even be able to make it stretch to a bottle of wine and a takeaway too.
Disclaimer: This post was brought to you in association with Look After My Bills.
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