There’s just over a week until we celebrate Christmas, and for many of us it’s one of the most frantic times of the year. Perhaps you’re racing to get loose ends tied up at work in the knowledge that your place of business will be taking a much needed break over the festive period. Maybe for you, Christmas is the busiest and most frantic time of the year (retail workers will know this pain all too well). Perhaps your every moment of free time is an exhausting trolley dash amongst the throning masses on the high street as you scramble to get all the Christmas presents for your family and friends bought, wrapped and delivered in time for the big day. While this all may be par for the course, such relentless activity and stress can’t be good for your immune system.
Many of us find ourselves afflicted by cold and flu viruses around this time of year, and the last thing you want, after all this preparation, is for sickness to mire your Christmas. Follow my advice and you’ll be sure to awaken full of energy and in good health on Christmas day. Remember, what’s good for you is good for your family, too!
Get a check up
Even if you feel well, it’s a good idea to get a check up with your local GP. They may be able to detect signs of illness that you’re not even aware of. Likewise, if you start to feel ill you should make an appointment with your doctor straight away by downloading an Online GP app. Don’t wait for your condition to worsen before taking steps to remedy it. This may also be a good time to make sure your flu jabs are up to date.
Always wash your hands
The kinds of bugs that tend to affect us over the holiday season are often spread by hands that appear clean but are actually loaded with disease spreading microbes. Be sure to wash your hands after using the toilet, shaking hands with someone, handling pets and before preparing food.
Get as much rest as you can
Along with nutrition, rest is the most effective way to ensure a healthy and robust immune system. Your body uses your sleeping hours to repair damaged tissues, build lean muscle mass and defend against foreign contaminants. You should be getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep a day although 8-10 is the gold standard.
Exercise… Hard as that may be
As the weather grows colder and darker the last thing you may feel like doing in the morning is hitting the gym or going for a run. Nonetheless, working out regularly is proven to boost immune function while promoting a feeling of good health, positivity and wellbeing.
Keep your diet on point
Though your every instinct may be screaming at you to load up on fatty, sugary and salty comfort foods, a healthy and well balanced diet is one of the best (and tastiest) defenses against cold and flu bugs. Loading your plate with these healthy foods can significantly reduce your chances of getting ill over Christmas, leaving you free to enjoy your day!
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