Let’s talk about the last minute reality of being a busy mum can we? The way that we’re pulled in about a million and one directions at once, and working out the logistics for your little darlings can sometimes feel like you’re planning to take a whole army into battle for six months.
We’ve got Little Miss C’s birthday this week, so as well as all the usual things that keep me busy all week I’ve also been trying to also do all those extra things like arrange a party, sort part bags, buy presents and bake a cake. Finding time to do all of this can be a bit of a challenge, but thanks to Amazon Prime the gift buying has actually been one of the simplest parts of it all.
I’ve always assumed that everyone knows about Amazon Prime, but then I get talking to someone about it over coffee or something and realise that it’s maybe a better kept secret than I think it is. So my aim for this post is to make sure everyone knows exactly what it is and why I think you should consider signing up if you haven’t already.
The bit of Amazon Prime that most people know about is the unlimited one-day delivery on millions of items. In some parts of the country (like here in St Albans) you can even get some items on same day delivery. There’s something incredibly satisfying about ordering a book in the morning and having it there to read at bedtime. Amazon Prime delivery has got me off the hook on so many occasions over the years. There’s that panic when you suddenly realise you need a gift for your children to take to a birthday party or similar, and knowing that I can always find something on Amazon and get it the next day at no extra cost has helped me out loads.
Not only do you get free delivery of products though. When Amazon bought out Love Film a few years back Amazon Prime Video was formed, meaning that you get unlimited streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows. Many are included free of charge in your Prime subscription, whilst others can be bought or rented quickly via the Prime video apps you can get on your internet enabled TV. We’ve found loads of kids content on there which LMC and Master C love.
In addition to all this you also get Prime Now, which for some parts of the country give you 2-hour delivery on thousands of everyday essentials. Practical things like milk and nappies, that you always discover you need when you also need to stay at home for something else.
There are other benefits too – ones that if I’m honest I’ve not explored properly myself – along the lines of secure unlimited photo storage in the cloud, and access to Prime Reading which gives Prime members access to hundreds of digital books and magazines that they can read for free too.
Tempted yet?
If so then it’s worth knowing that Amazon do a 30 day free trial of Amazon Prime – perfect you have a month in which there are lots of birthdays for instance. You do need to handover your payment details when you sign up as if you don’t proactively cancel it they will charge you the £79 for a year’s membership automatically at the end of the 30 days. Just remember to set a diary reminder on your phone or similar for 28 days in so that you remember to cancel it if you don’t want to stay.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
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