With all the drama of Master C trying to eclipse his sister’s birthday it’s only now that I’ve found myself sitting back and thinking about what Little Miss C’s sixth birthday really means. It seems hard to remember a time when she wasn’t here with us, yet at the same time I can’t believe that it’s been six years ago since I was introducing her here on the blog.
She’s gone from a tiny baby that we dressed up in a cute England baby grow whilst we watched the football, to a six year old little lady who can, and does, very clearly tell us when she doesn’t want to watch the football on the telly. I spent some time the other day say looking back through my photos of when I brought her home. There’s some sadness in doing so as my Dad was here waiting for us when we got back and so there are lots of photos of him in with her too. Something which we sadly never got to do when we brought Master C home.
The other thing that I found when going through the photo albums was all the lovely cards that people sent us, and notes I scribbled at the time on some of the gifts that had been sent too. Thinking back I recall our front room suddenly becoming full of pink in the weeks that followed LMC’s birth. There’s something about having a baby which means everyone thinks they need to send you something in either pink or blue depending on what you’ve had. I’ve never really been a pink person so it all came as a bit of a shock to the system to suddenly have my house full of the colour, but looking back I suppose it was quite sweet.
What has really really struck me though is how I can somehow still clearly remember so many the things that were bought and who bought them. People were so incredibly generous and I’m still touched at the lengths some people went to to send us gifts and cards. One of those very early gifts was actually a cuddly pink rabbit that LMC became incredibly attached to – so much so that we had to buy a duplicate and now she sleeps with both of them in her arms every single night. They’ve survived camping trips, travelled to Denmark and Madeira and even been on a Rainbows sleepover. All thanks to a family friend of Mr C’s.
In these days when everyone’s on Facebook or other social media all the time it is so easy to just send someone congratulations by typing a couple of words or even just clicking a single button. But does that really mean as much? Is it the same as choosing something personal and popping in a handwritten card of congratulations? It’s certainly less likely to be remembered six years down the line!
I’ve therefore made a promise to myself to stop just congratulating people online when they have babies. Instead I’m going to make sure I head over to somewhere like gifts.co.uk and find just the right personalised baby gift for them and their family. Something that hopefully they’re look back on fondly when their baby grows up – and you never know one day I might be the person who’s given someone something as special as pink rabbit is to LMC now.
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