A little bit late with today's Ladybird Tuesday post – apologies!
Today is my first book from Series 561, Adventures from History – Stone Age Man in Britain (first published in 1961). This whole series provides a fantastic background into British and world history with most of the books focusing on a famous person and their role in our history. Several kings are included along with the likes of Sir Walter Raleigh, Florence Nightingale and Captain Scott. Some of the others in the series look further afield – Julius Caesar and Roman Britain, and Cleopatra and Ancient Egypt. A recent trip to the British Museum makes me think I really ought to get hold of that last title as I really found my knowledge lacking whilst I was there.
Looking down the list of titles what this series reminds me more than anything else is how much of my junior school history I have forgotten. Getting my hands on the rest of the books in the series and swotting up on them before Little Miss C and Master C get to the relevant bits at school would probably be wise – and also interesting!
Stone Age Man in Britain is very much as the title suggests – a narrative of how stone aged man came to be in Britain and how they lived. The building of Stonehenge and its significance is also included and I still find it remarkable to think about how these huge stones were moved (probably from Wales in some cases) all the way to Wiltshire without today's modern lifting equipment.
If you have a collection of old Ladybird books then please feel free to join in with Ladybird Tuesday. There are no formal rules to follow, just leave a link to any post you write in the comments below and if you're feeling kind link back to my Ladybird Tuesday category here on Being Mrs C. Thanks!
I've also compiled an index of all the Ladybird Tuesday posts to date – organised by series. It satisfies my inner geek and hopefully will also be of interest to others too.
I love your Ladybird Tuesday posts. Are these all your own books from childhood or have you collected these? Very jealous 🙂
Hi Mrs C,
This week is a special Ladybird Tuesday at Mrs Fox’s. I’m combining this weeks post with a FREE GIVEAWAY of the Ladybird book in question, (I found another copy at my local charity shop) and a call to get involved with the Craftivist Collective’s Jigsaw Project, (#imapiece) for Save the Children’s Race Against Hunger. You can find my post here; http://mrsfoxs.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/ladybird-tuesday-learning-to-sew.html
A mix of the two – youre very welcome to come round and look at my collection over a cuppa one day! x
I so want that book!!!!