Black Mazda 3 covered in brown leaves – Image Courtesy of Pexels
You can get more out of it if you keep your car in great condition. You need to be hands-on to do this, but it isn’t too much of a challenge when you develop a good routine.
Cover Your Car if Possible
Most people who have a garage don’t use it for what it’s meant for, which is to protect their car. So, if you have a garage, use it. But a flyover carport will also protect your car from falling branches or damage by missiles in strong wind. If you don’t have a garage, a cover is a good and inexpensive option. You should also be careful about where you park to keep debris, bird poop, and falling leaves from damaging your car’s expensive paint and blocking vents.
Wax and Coat the Paintwork
A traditional and easy way to keep your car shiny is to polish it with simple wax. Wax, like coatings, forms a protective layer when it is applied. This layer helps keep paint from breaking down over time. But wax costs a lot less than professional coatings and works just as well. Still, wax is best used in addition to a long-lasting professional solution, like a ceramic coating. Coatings done by professionals last longer and look much better, but are more expensive.
FLOWER Check to Keep Your Car in Great Condition
Your car has a lot of parts, but some of them are necessary for it to run, stay safe, and keep costs low. You can do a simple “FLOWER” inspection to check them:
- Fuel: Check to see if you have enough gas or electricity for your trip.
- Lights: Check the brake lights, turn signals, and headlights.
- Oil: Always keep an eye on how much oil is in the engine for the best performance.
- Water: A motor also needs water to stay cool and work properly.
- Electrics: Make sure your car’s battery isn’t dead and that all of its electronics work.
- Rubber: Make sure all your tyres have a good amount of tread.
Taking a few minutes before every drive will make sure your car is safe for the road. Also, you are more likely to notice small problems before they become big ones.
Get an Expert Valet Job Now and Then
You can do a great job on your car yourself, but the best valets are the only ones who can clean it as well as they can. In addition to pressure washing, the best thing you can do is have a professional valet clean your car. The valet knows how to clean your car with the right tools. Also, they will polish your wheels and tyres and clean the inside of your car so well that it looks almost brand new. But valeting gets pricey, so get out the bucket every once in a while.
Get to Know Your Car
All cars are different. So you should take the time to figure out how your new car works. Also, each company has its own way of putting technology into the cars it makes. So, whether you buy a new Porsche with a gas engine or a trendy electric Tesla, it’s a good idea to learn about how your new car works. For example, some car makers use touch screens to control their in-car systems. This means that the systems might work differently to what you are used to.
You can easily keep your car in great condition by looking after it more than most. Always cover it to protect the paint and vents. Do a FLOWER check every day, and just get a feel for your car.
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