A nose job is a very critical procedure because it is performed right in the middle of your face. This is where your nose is. As you know, rhinoplasty works on it to correct various issues that you might face with it. It could be deformation or related to the size of your nostrils. It can also be the overall size of the tip of your nose and the unusually wide ridge that you may not be so fond of. The location of your nose is what makes the entire procedure so complicated. This is why it is important to never make mistakes with it. The following section talks about a few myths, misconceptions, and errors often associated with rhinoplasty and that you should avoid at all costs:
- Rhinoplasty Is Not Covered Under Your Insurance
This is a very common myth associated with a nose job. Cosmetic procedures of any kind are not covered by your insurance plan. If there is a functional component involved, then things might be a little different. For example, if you have a breathing problem due to a deviated septum, this might be covered under your insurance plan. If not fully, then at least a part of the cost may come under the scope of your insurance.
- You Get To Choose Your Nose
No. You are not shopping for a brand new nose or a nose that looks like that of a Hollywood celebrity. You must keep your expectations realistic and try not to imitate any personality or famous person that you may be a fan of. Everyone’s face is unique and the result of your particular rhinoplasty procedure is going to be distinct for your face. Remember, Brad Pitt’s nose might not look good on your face. The outcome of the rhinoplasty will largely depend on the fat deposits on your face, your musculature, the composition of your tissues and cartilage, and the entire bone structure of your face, among a lot of other things.
- Eliminating The Bump
So you have a Moroccan heritage. You have those almost perfect features of someone belonging to the Middle East. Given that you are not happy with the bump on your nose, you decide to go for a nose job to get that imperfection “rectified”. What you don’t know is that these “corrections” can go awry very easily. If you are about to get a rhinoplasty by Dr. Marcelo Antunes, he would recommend you to be very subtle with your approach whenever changing any natural imperfections that give your face a unique character. You have examples of celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Lana Del Rey in front of you. It is never a good idea to remove the defining characteristics of your nose or any other feature of your face all at once.
Rhinoplasty is a great procedure if you keep yourself informed about what results you can get from this surgery. Do not aspire to look like a certain celebrity. Consult your plastic surgeon before you choose any kind of surgical procedure or reconstructive surgery on your face.
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