Whether you are about to face a career change, moving for a new job, or just want to be closer to family or for a change of scenery, there are a number of factors to think about when you are deciding where to live and where to move to. For most people, this can be a really exciting time, but it can also be quite stressful and a little overwhelming, as there is a lot to consider. No matter what your family status is, choosing a new home is a big and important decision. When you are thinking about moving and where to go, there are a lot of considerations to get you through the decision-making process. So here are some of those things to help you decide where you should move to and why.

Cost of living
For some people, moving to a cheaper part of the country could be the sole reason for the move. In other cases, where you might need to relocate for a new job, the cost of living could increase in a particular area, so you need to weigh up all of your options. Housing, schools, food, and other factors can change depending on where you live in the country, or the world, so you need to look into it and decide what is going to be best for you. When you’re looking at different locations, don’t forget to research the cost of living in that area.
The housing that is available where you are looking is going to be one of the biggest things that you look at when choosing your destination. Because housing is a big factor when it comes to cost of living, it is vital to do your research into the different housing options that are available to you in different locations. Will you be looking to rent or to buy? What are the neighborhoods like? Will you be looking for a home that is ready to move into, or how about a bit of a fixer-upper, that could involve doing renovations or even calling in pest control professionals? These are all things to think about as you embark on a big life change of moving house.
No matter your situation, it is important to think about the safety of the area that you are thinking about moving to. What are the crime rates like? Would you have a garage or driveway to park your car? What are some red flags in the area? Are there some good public transport routes in the area? Not only is this something that will give you a lot of peace of mind when thinking about moving to the place, but it can also impact things like your house insurance and car insurance costs, so it definitely needs to be considered.
Career and job prospects
If you are going to look to move elsewhere because of a new job, then this is less of something to consider as you’re already lined up somewhere to work at your destination. However, if you are looking to move to a cheaper area or to be closer to family, then you need to think about what options there will be for you where you are. Will you be leaving your current role or will you be able to work remotely? What major businesses are there in the area, or that are at least commutable? As well as this, think about other careers and jobs that could work out afterwards. If you are going to move to quite a touristy area, then you have a number of job options when it comes to the tourist trade. If you’ll be moving to quite an industrial area, then there will be job options in that kind of industry too. You need to think long-term with your move, unless you are planning to move around on a more regular basis.
This might not be something that is on your radar if you don’t have children, but you never know if you will have them down the line, so at least making this a consideration is important. Look at the schools in the local area and what school district you would be living in. Make a note of all of the criteria that you need, especially if you have children already, such as nursery schools or being close to good high schools, to see how the area stacks up and if it will suit your needs.
Although criteria can vary from person to person and family to family, these can give you an idea of what you should be looking out for when it comes to moving house.
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