We all want our children to meet this full potential at school, but for one reason or another, that is not always what happens. Many very capable children do not end up achieving the grades that they are capable of for a whole most of reasons, but the good news is, as their parents, there are plenty of things you can do to help them do well, including the following…
Teach them failure is not an ending
One thing that prevents a lot of children from fulfilling their full potential is failure. They don’t do as well as they would have liked in a subject or when working on a task, so they think they can’t do it and they give up even trying, If, as, a parent, you can teach them that failure is not the end, but the beginning – that it is a stepping stone to future success and you can learn a lot from it – you will very much be helping them to do better at school than they are now.
Hire a tutor
If your children are struggling with a particular subject, it can often be useful to get them home extra help. For example, annaspanish.com is home to an excellent Spanish tutor who will work with your child’s specific needs and he;p them approach the subject in a new and more effective way. There are, of course, similar tutors for most subjects, and if you can afford to hire one, it could make all the difference, to your child’s success at school.
Teach them how to play chess
This may seem a little leftfield at first, but there are numerous studies to show that teaching children how to play chess can help them to develop their logical thinking skills, which as you will know, can help them with pretty much every other subject at school It’s also a really good way to have fun bonding together.
Make learning fun
So many kids don’t reach their full potential because they don’t enjoy the process of learning. You don’t have much say over how they learn at school, but you can make learning fun for them outside of school hours by taking them to museums to see the dinosaur bones, hitting the beach to hunt for shells and learn a bit about the tides, and… well there are so many educational activities that don’t feel like learning at all.
Let them follow their passions
Yes, your child needs to learn the basics of math and science, but if they love art or music, don’t try to stop them from pursuing those things too. When a child has a passion they will find it much easier to get all of their work done because even when there are bits they hate, they will have something to look forward to too.
Helping your child do well at school is an evolving process that will change and mutate as they get older and have different needs, but the above ideas are all good places to start and you can modify them as you go along.
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