Cats are such adorable creatures. Calm, quiet, and sensitive, they’re a perfect addition to a pet lover’s home. And what’s more, they help keep those lousy mice at bay.
But just as your kitty keeps you happy having them around, you want to make them as happy, healthy, and comfortable as can be.
Keeping your cat healthy and happy all the time is all about making choices that work best for their nature. Cats are quite different from dogs or any other pet, so don’t expect to treat a cat as you would another animal.
To keep you on the right track, below are things to take note of.
Wear it out with action
Like dogs, cats have a lot of energy they need to expel. If you do not offer them the chance to utilize that energy constructively, they might get frustrated and use it destructively. Cats are natural athletes. Get your pet cat toys that will keep your cat moving happily. Get something like mice or battery-powered toys that move, and your cat will be all too happy to chase them around thinking they’re real.
Give your cat a chance to pounce and stalk toys indoors, wear it out, and it will be happy all day long.
Hunting time
Like their ancestor, domesticated cats have a natural penchant for preying on smaller animals like mice and birds. It’s their instinct and a source of stimulation. If they do not get enough stimulation, they won’t be happy and exuberant.
Even though you can’t take your cat out to the jungle for several reasons, indulge your cat by allowing it to hunt indoors. Do that by hiding treats around the house and making it search for them.
Hide frozen treats in ice cubes and make your cat work for its dinner. This will reward your cat with mental stimulation, keeping it mentally and physically sound all the time.
Give your cat a companion
Only a few of us can stay all day all week on our own. If you live alone, chances are your cat will be home alone all day. Even when you have kids that go to school, it will be almost the same thing. It’s a great idea to have two cats or a cat and dog rather than one as they’d be pretty happy in each other’s company while you’re away. That’s if you can afford it, though. But think about all the homeless cats and dogs in your town just waiting for someone to give them a home.
Use natural litter
Using the right cat litter goes a long way in keeping your furry friend happy and healthy. Your indoor cat will need to urinate and defecate multiple times daily, whether you’re at home or not. And a litter is where your pet will carry out its business.
Unfortunately, most litters you’ll find contain synthetic components such as silica dust and fragrances that are toxic to your cat. Silica dust can cause respiratory problems for your cat. Therefore, getting a premium cat litter made up of 100% natural materials is a wise choice to keep your cat safe, healthy, and happy all day long.
Let your cat climb
That your cat is domesticated doesn’t mean it has no inherent behavioral similarities with wild cats. They all like to climb—it’s their thing. They can climb walls and walk on roofs. It gives your cat joy to do the things they’re born to do. Indeed, you may not be able to let your cat out to climb trees in your neighborhood.
Artificial cat trees are an excellent way to help your cat exercise its climbing talent indoors. They come in all shapes and sizes to fit your indoor space. You can build a DIY cat tree or get one from a cat supply store.
Give your cat a breath of fresh air outside
Just as a dog owner would walk their dog, cat owners can also do the same. It may sound weird (because it’s not mainstream), but cats can also be trained to walk on a leash. Taking your cat out for a walk is an excellent way to keep them happy and stimulated with new environments. Having them on a leash is the most responsible thing you can do in that case.
However, don’t take things too fast. You can start by getting your kitten used to wearing a harness indoors for short periods—progress to adding a leash and offer your cat treats while walking with you.
To walk dogs on leashes once was considered bizarre. Now it’s the norm. The same can go for cats.
Regular checkups
Your cat may have a health condition without you knowing. Scheduling occasional visitations with a veterinary doctor is a great step to keeping your cat healthy all year round. The doctor will check your cat to treat any diseases, prevent any one they’re at risk of, and educate you on what to do to maintain your cat’s health.
Get your cat comfy cuddle spots
Cats sleep a lot. They can lounge in dreamland for up to 15 hours a day. To make your cat sleep as comfortably as possible, provide your furry friend with comfy baskets, blankets, and boxes. Also, ensure the litter is nearby so they can do their business quickly whenever they want.
Ensure the cat litter is clean
Cats are pretty sensitive and neat creatures. Make sure the little is clean at all times, as your cat may not want to pee in one that looks untidy and smells foul.
A healthy diet is paramount
It’s essential to provide your cat with its recommended dietary needs to keep it healthy. The first stuff in your cat’s dish should be meat. Avoid by-products that are packed with grains, soy, and fillers. Meat is what your cat naturally loves and needs most.
You and your cat will be so much happier when it is healthy and exuberant. Put a little effort into your furry friend’s needs to keep it happy, healthy, and lively.
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