If you’re a first-time parent who loves to travel, you may sometimes wonder whether it’s a good idea to travel with your precious little one. Although you can travel with a baby, you may have to put extra thought into the process. Generally, doctors advise against travelling with an infant until after three months at least, when their immune system fully develops. That said, here are some safety tips you should consider.
- Take necessary driving precautions
Most experts suggest using a car as a mode of transport when travelling with a baby. This is because it exposes your baby to fewer people and foreign elements that could harm their health. However, depending on the distance you have to cover, travelling by road can also be pretty stressful for you and your baby. You will have to stop every couple of hours from feeding your baby, changing diapers, or comforting your child if they won’t stop crying. Not to mention, you might also have to battle sleep deprivation, which is a terrible condition to drive in.
As a parent, you want to keep your baby safe at all times. This is especially important when travelling by car. There are a few things you can do to make sure your baby is safe while in the car. One option is to buy a safe car. These cars have been specifically designed to protect children in the event of an accident. They come with features like side impact protection and harnesses that keep your child secure in her seat. Search for Ford New Car Deals for more information when you decide to purchase a new car.
For long road trips, your best option is to find a well-rested driver so you can focus on your baby and get some rest. Always ensure that your baby is safe in a rear-facing car seat when the vehicle is moving. Also, ensure that they receive adequate ventilation, especially around the face, and don’t forget to check on them even when they’re sleeping.
- Fly cautiously
As mentioned earlier, air travel with your baby isn’t usually advisable. However, if you need to fly, be sure to consult your doctor for necessary clearance and advice. Next, you need to find out what the airline policy is regarding bringing babies on board. These differ from airline to airline, so be sure to check.
If you’re a new mother in the weeks of parenting, then you can expect your air-travel experience to be a little stressful. There is always the possibility of delayed or cancelled flights, long hours at the checkout, lost luggage, name them. Add all these to the extra attention you have to give your little one – diaper changes, feeding, comfort, etc. To avoid most of the inconvenience, try flying during off-peak times or opting for a non-stop flight. Better still, travel with an adult helper and prepare your mind for anything.
- Be sure to pack the necessities
Choosing the right carrycot can be a lifesaver when travelling with a baby. Ensure that you choose one that falls within your airline’s weight limits and is easy to handle both on and off the plane. It’s advisable to place your baby in a carrycot with a carrycot raincover to protect them from rain or direct sunlight.
Other things you might want to pack for your journey include the following:
- A baby blanket
- Diapers and a changing pad
- Baby food, drinks, formula, etc.
- Extra changing clothes and bibs
- Wet wipes with a portable disposer
- Some hand cleanser
- A portable medical kit
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