You don’t have to be a child or wait for April Fools Day to play pranks on your friends, family members, and colleagues. If you love indulging in prank wars and love to make people laugh with your practical jokes, then this article is just the right thing you need.
Before we move on there are some crucial things to remember. Try to match the right prank with the right personality. For instance, never ever play a “door lock” prank with someone who has claustrophobia. Secondly, the idea is to make people laugh and not hurt someone’s feelings. Therefore, choose your victim and mischief accordingly.

That being said, let’s get on with some hilarious, cool pranks you were waiting for and play some practical jokes on your pals, colleagues, and family members. Be ready to have some goofy fun.
- Salted Cookies And Frozen Cereal
This prank might be a bit cliche but never fails to crack the audience. Before you start with any of the food-related jokes, make sure that the one who is about to be pranked doesn’t suffer from any allergies. Otherwise, you might end up taking some emergency trips to the hospital. And you wouldn’t want to be in such a situation.
Anyway, make a batch of some homemade cookies and add salt instead of sugar. Pack them up in a fancy tin or storage box, or just leave the plate for anyone to find. Just don’t forget to carry a camera to capture all those funny expressions after your victim takes a bite of those irresistible cookies. You can also keep a bowl full of cereal and milk in the freezer overnight and serve it as a regular breakfast. Watch and enjoy as your victim gets a frozen cereal ice cream instead of a warm breakfast. Pretty hilarious. Right?
- The Door Trick
This trick is becoming popular amongst teenagers as they continue to prank their siblings and friends. You just need to tape a piece of newspaper on the top of the door frame and attach it to the wall. Fill the newspaper with peanuts, ping-pong/paper balls, and other lightweight things. The best time to arrange the trick is when the victim is either out of the house or sleeping.
Now, whenever your victim walks out of the door, he/she will get showered by these lightweight objects like rain. You can replace the newspaper with a plastic bucket and light things with water. But that’s going to create a huge mess for you afterward. Nonetheless, if you are going to pull off this trick, make sure that your victims aren’t carrying any electronic items. Or at least own splash proof gadgets. Regardless of what you choose, it’s going to be damn funny to watch.
- Presenting Gag Gifts
Do you often feel lost while shopping for gifts? This is because the prankster in you is looking for something unique and quirky to present to your friend or colleague on a special occasion. Let’s face it, nothing is more hilarious than presenting your best friend or a colleague with an excellent gag gift. The gag gift options are endless, from a funny and personalized caricature to notebooks covered with sarcastic notes.
For instance, suppose you have a writer friend who enjoys keeping a journal. Now, a diary can be a valuable gift for such a person who loves to pen his/her thoughts down. But it doesn’t have to be boring. Right? According to WTF Notebooks, inappropriate, awkward, and yet funny gift ideas can come in handy to make your friend laugh his/her heart out. You can choose the one that suits best on your friend’s personality and Voila! You’ve just got the PERFECT gift that also serves as a prank for your buddy.
- Spider Attack
This trick is not for someone with a weak heart. For this, you need to attach some fake spiders (preferably bigger ones) to a thin string and tape it to the door, and shut the door. Place your fake spiders above the door jam so that when the victim opens the door, he/she gets frightened with the spider attack. You can also replace the spiders with lizards or any other gross insect and capture the reaction on a video camera.
So, go and terrify your siblings and friends with a life-like insect coming down to get them..
- High Five Slime
Slimes have always helped in providing inexplicable satisfaction. And what if we tell you that you can use it in your next prank? Well, it is one of the simplest pranks you can perform. You just need to slather your hand in your favorite gooey substance, slime. You can also use petroleum jelly or any other lube gel. Just make sure that it is clear and slimy.
Now the only thing you need to do is to find someone and just, High-five! The best part of this prank is that you can have multiple victims as you can keep walking and high-fiving your buddies. It will definitely be fun to see them sit and wonder about what got stuck with their hand solitude.
- Get A Gooey Phone
This is another harmless prank to try on your friends. For this, you just need a fake phone that looks exactly like the victim’s phone. Add slime or toothpaste on the ear or mouthpiece of the phone. DO NOT USE things like gum or something that gives an allergic reaction to your friend. Now you just need to play the ringtone and give the phone to your friend.
Watch the struggle he/she goes through to get rid of whatever there was on the phone. You might also have to explain the fact that the phone wasn’t real and your friend’s phone is perfectly fine.
- “The Damaged” Phone Or Car
This trick is all over the internet and is gaining insane popularity on YouTube. You just need to attach a sticker on your friend’s favorite car or phone and make it look like someone just smashed the glass or got it scratched. Show that not-so-damaged car/phone to your friend and enjoy the reaction until they figure out that it isn’t real.
Wrapping Up!
There is nothing wrong with pranking someone unless it doesn’t harm them physically or mentally. But make sure after you are done with all the pranks, you are prepared for the ones that your friends are going to play with you. Because they would want to prank you too.
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