I know term hasn’t quite finished yet (that’s coming soon enough!) but if you’re a parent trying to be organised then thoughts are already turning to school uniform for when our little darlings go back in September. Master C will be starting school pre-school come September and so this will be the first year that I will have two children requiring school uniform and hence I’m really starting to see how the cost increases when you need to kit out more than one child.
As a bargain lover I’m always on the look out for cheap ways to buy what I need and for a good few years now supermarkets have been a great way to buy what you need cheaply, but this year sees Lidl joining in with their first ever full school uniform collection. The collection features 41 items and you can even get the basics (polo shirt, jumper and skirt or trousers) for the complete bargain price of £3.65! Now that’s hard to beat.
It’s calculated that parents end up buying 38 items of school uniform every school year averaging over £500 for a family with 2 kids. This means buying Lidl school uniform could save British families up to £2,854 which is enough to pay for a family of four to visit Disneyland Paris. When you put it like that it really shows how these savings can add up.
There’s absolutely no point though buying cheap school uniform if it’s not of a decent quality and that’s where the Lidl Back to School Range really comes up trumps. The shirts are made of 100% cotton, the skirts have permanent pleats (just think how much time that saves on the ironing!) and the shoes are made from genuine leather too. Lidl sent me a selection of the range to have a look at and I’m delighted to report that it all appears to fit well, looks good and also stands up well to a first trip through the washing machine. All important things when you think about just how much time kids spend in their school uniform.
You just need to look at the label on the trousers to see that they come with all the things that parents expect nowadays in terms of durability. Water and stain resistant, but also with an adjustable waistband which I find is a must have these days.
I also really like the fact that Lidl have an online size calculator so that you can work out exactly what size you need before you head to the shop.
Details of the full Lidl Back to School Range can be found online here and it is available in store from Thursday 21 July.
Disclaimer: I was sent a selection of items from the Lidl Back to School Range for the purposes of this review. All opinions remain my own.
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