Halloween is has now been and gone (I know, bonkers isn’t it! I’m sure it was only June a minute ago) and that was the perfect excuse, if one were needed, for a slightly scary children’s book, and that’s exactly what There’s a Monster in My Fridge is.
This rhyming story is hilarious and not only does it include a monster in the fridge, but also a witch behind a screen, a vampire in the cellar and two skeletons in the bath! I’m not exaggerating when I say that I laughed out loud when I read this to Master C for the first time. And as if the words were not funny enough, they are accompanied by some brilliant illustrations by Deborah Allwright. There is so much detail on each page and we loved the fact that you have half sized pages to turn as if you were opening the fridge or opening the door under the stairs.
Master C seems to have really got into books recently and I’m constantly amazed at just how well be remembers what each book we read together features and anticipates excitedly what is coming next. He also seems to be doing that stereotypical boy thing, of loving books that are in some way gruesome or scary, meaning that There’s a Monster in My Fridge is a huge hit!
Reading it with him, I really liked the way the book stood out from many others by having these half sized pages inside it, and I also liked the “secret door” at the back of the book. So great to see a children’s book where they have thought beyond the words and pictures to enhance the reading experience further.
There’s a Monster in My Fridge is now a firm favourite on his bookcase.
Disclaimer: We were sent a copy of There’s a Monster in My Fridge for the purposes of my review. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
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