Property. A house. A flat. A roof over your head. Your place. Home.
Whatever you call it, everyone needs somewhere to live and for most of us it is our biggest expense. But finding somewhere to live isn’t always straightforward, and depending on what your particular situation is I’m sure there are lots of things you want and need to know going forwards. That’s where Legal and General are hoping to help with the next in their excellent MoneyHangout series – Property – Your Options Explained.
Just following questions that I’ve seen asked online recently I know that there are people wondering about everything from where to find somewhere to rent, to trying to buy your first home, through to what rights you have as a tenant if your landlord suddenly decides to raise the rent, or worse still serve you notice. There are also situations where people have lost their job, or just can’t afford to pay their rent or mortgage anymore. What happens then? What rights do they have and who can help? At what stage can you go to your local council and ask for help? And in the case of couples who split up – how do you work out what your options are for staying in your home if you now only have one salary coming in and children to support?
We went through the re-mortgaging process just last year and to be honest it was a complete nightmare with all the new affordability criteria and yet we were just trying to do something that was relatively straightforwards – supposedly! We both had so many questions and sometimes found ourselves getting conflicting information from different sources.
Legal and General have assembled a panel of property and housing experts to help answer people’s questions. L&G’s CEO Nigel Wilson will be joined by Miles Shipside (Commercial Director of property search website Rightmove), Roger Harding (Director of Policy and Campaigns at housing and homeless charity Shelter) and Jo Eccles (Founder of Central-London property finder Sourcing Property and a columnist for the Metro newspaper). At 8pm (BST) on Wednesday 3 June they will be answering your questions in their MoneyHangout which you can watch live below or join them here.
Should you miss the hangout it will also be available afterwards on YouTube and I will add in a link once it has taken place.
So, if you have any property or housing questions that you want answered then please leave them in the comments below and they will be passed over to the #MoneyHangout team. Feel free to use a false name if you’d prefer to remain anonymous.
Disclaimer: I am being compensated by Legal and General for writing about this #MoneyHangout. All opinions are my own.
My husband and I are splitting up, and I’m staying in the house with the two kids, although he’s still paying towards the mortgage. If I wanted to remortgage to make improvements on the property, would that be difficult now I’m on my own? And would I need his permission, since our mortgage is currently in joint names?
very helpful post! might look into mortgaging soon.
You’re so right – it’s a minefield isn’t it? I’d like to know just how benefical it is to over pay my mortgage?