It’s is exhausting being a mum. To be honest I’m finding having a four year old and a two year old more exhausting than the newborn days. There are still some sleepless nights, but there’s also all the stuff that needs doing in the daytime. Masses of laundry, school homework, forms that need returning, pre-school visits to do, school run, nursery run, swimming lessons, playgroup, shopping, cleaning, school uniform to mend, school shoes to buy, the daily routine of getting through meals and bath and bed time. It can feel like an endless treadmill.
Christmas just adds to the workload. There are presents to buy and wrap, cards to write, school Christmas party days, nursery Christmas jumper days to remember, Playgroup Christmas party, school trip to the pants, meals to plan, food to order, a house to get ready for guests, decorations to put up and children’s expectations to manage. Add in to all that mix my job and my voluntary commitments and you’ll understand why what I most want for Christmas is a clean and tidy house and some time to sit down and relax (and maybe even some time to reacquaint myself with the man I married!)
When my dear blogging friend Rosie got in touch asking if I’d like to review her new business venture Pamper Parcels I jumped at the chance. You see Rosie understands exactly what it’s like to be a busy mum – and even more so as she is a single mum. She understands that if you just keep going on that treadmill you will burn out and be of no use to anyone, and most certainly not your kids, who need you. It was from this knowledge and Rosie’s experience of a busy life that the genius idea of Pamper Parcels was born.
Making “me time” for yourself, or enabling the person you love to have some, is so so important and even just 30 minutes with a hot cuppa, a nice bit of chocolate and a magazine can make such a difference on a manically busy day. Heck, I know many mums would even tell you that just five minutes hidden in the bathroom without a small person screaming for them or hammering on the door is luxury. Pamper Parcels aim to help you relax. Help you to make that bit of me time happen and face the rest of the day or the week with a spring in your step.
As for the parcels themselves, well this is where it really is “guilt free pampering’. Pamper Parcels’ values mean that everything in your parcel is fairtrade, organic, not tested on animals and has natural ingredients. All their packaging is recycled and the contents come from small independent businesses. What more could you ask for?
It was a real treat to open my Pamper Parcel and it really was all beautifully put together right from the external cardboard box that came through the post to the nice touch of snowman and snowflake confetti inside.
The contents were nicely arranged in the box with some individually wrapped too.
As a self-confessed chocoholic I was thrilled to see so much of it in my box and the Tisserand cream body wash and luxury both oil were very appreciated too.
One other thing that I love about Pamper Parcels is their Pass the Parcel idea. Every Pamper Box comes with an extra little package wrapped up inside it that you can pass on to someone else. It may be a friend or relative, or possibly even a complete stranger in a random act of kindness. After much consideration I actually gave mine to my sister who has done a fantastic job helping my mum move house recently, and I certainly thought she could do with a little bit of pampering.
I’ve recently been really cheered up by some friends who sent me something lovely when I needed it and I know what a huge boost it can give you when things are tough. A Pamper Parcel could do just that for someone you care about and love. Just remember though – Christmas isn’t the only time for giving, and there will be some people who might really appreciate a Pamper Parcel once all the festivities are over too.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I plan to spend a fair chunk this rare child free afternoon sat back trying out the hot chocolate spoon and with the magazine that arrived in this morning’s post. Then I might be ready to face the swimming lessons, school run, nursery pick up and family tea which will finish off my day!
Disclaimer: I was sent a Pamper Parcel for the purposes of this review. All views and opinions are my own.
Such a lovely review, Penny. Thanks for taking the time to help promote my little business 🙂 xx
I would LOVE one of these – think I may have to drop some heavy hints before baby arrives