I did warn you that our summer got a bit more boring once we were back from Cornwall and day 19 was a fine example of that. Mr C returned to work after a week off and I headed out with the kids to a local drop in Speech and Language Therapy session. Today was the day that I needed to tackle one of the first of the contradictions that came out on the first day of the summer, when I met with Master C’s nursery to discuss the problems we’re having.
They felt that there may be a need for him to have some speech and language therapy, something which really surprised me. Master C’s language is, I think, about 9 months behind where Little Miss C was at the same age. I’d put much of that down to him being a boy, a second child, having an older sister who talks a lot and them just being different people. It certainly hadn’t concerned me at all. Until now.
LMC started talking and walking, confidently, just a few days after her first birthday. Master C started walking at pretty much the same time, but his speech has been much much slower and I frequently wonder whether much of his frustrations come from not having language to explain himself or get what he wants. We talk and read to him loads, but I’d just assumed it would come in time. What I hadn’t really paid much attention to was the way that he doesn’t always complete or start words fully. So “bus” had become “bu”. LMC had never done that, but Master C certainly does. Nursery felt this was a concern, along with the fact that he just didn’t seem to say much at all whilst here, so they recommended I take him along to a new local drop in Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) session which our NHS has set up in conjunction with the local children’s centres.
The idea of these sessions is that if you have any concerns you just take your little one along, the team assess him quickly and then decide if he needs a referral or not, and if so they take it from there. So much more convenient than getting to see a HV or GP first, getting a referral even if it might not be needed and taking up a slot that another child could have needed more.
What was good was that Master C completely engaged with the SALT team and showed off exactly what I know he is capable of. Along with his sister he played nicely, said lots and repeated back words that were said to him. They acknowledged that he doesn’t always start or complete words fully, but the sounds that he is missing are ones that not all children have until they are 3 – 4 years old, so I didn’t need to worry right now. A huge relief.
It was really useful to be able to talk to the team there though and explore with them other areas associated with his refusal to eat, and they gave me some other good pointers of things to explore further which I’m still following up now. There are times when you just want to say a huge thank you to the NHS and local children’s centres for having drop in sessions like this which are not only convenient to go to, but make the services that they have so much more accessible than they often seem.
So, after coming away from there feeling very relieved and somewhat clearer headed too the rest of the day passed rather simply. A trip to a local playground, stopping to pick up some milk and then home to a mountain of laundry that we were still working our way through and for the kids to reacquaint themselves with all the toys that they’d forgotten we owned whilst away. Sometimes simple days really are the best.
Sim @ Sims Life says
Glad it went well!
Again, it seems everyone went to Cornwall but me… I know where I will be heading next year!x
Liz Burton says
Glad the team re-assured you. I’m sure with your support he’ll get there. My nephew hardly said a word until he was 3. Now you can’t shut him up!
Mummy Barrow says
Phew. That must be a huge relief
And you are right the simple days are often the best.
Susanna says
We did that too, for two of mine. Everything is all fine now. x
Sonya Cisco says
My ten year old boy had lots of speech issues until he was 4 +, he used his own words for things and had letters he couldnt say – but he got there in the end and has had no problems for years. Am sure Master C will get there in his own time too, but it is always nice to have a little reassurance isnt it!
Emma says
Great to hear the appointment went well and you were able to get some advice. SALT is so different in different areas. My experience with Erin was very positive but I know other that have waited too long. Wish these things were not such a postcode lottery.
Donna@MummyCentral says
I suppose every child is different. My eldest was flagged as not having enough words in his vocabulary when he was 2. But he caught up and now recites the names of every species of dinosaur perfectly.
Pinkoddy says
Oh how great to easily get that ticked off your list as it were. Glad they gave you some pointers for other areas – hope they are being helpful.
Emma says
So glad it went well, and that they were helpful. x
Cass@frugalfamily says
Pleased to hear everything went well for you – you must feel like a weights been lifted x