Oh my – there are some varied Ladybird books joining my collection right now. I have to admit that there are some that I am more fond of than others, but it’s still fascinating to see how my collection is growing, and what is available when in local charity shops.
This week on Ladybird Tuesday I’m looking at Robin Hood Outlawed. Now, these Robin Hood books were part of series 740, called Classics, and were a sub-series of 4 titles which came under the Robin Hood Adventures banner. Whilst this book has a copyright date in it of 1978, I think this is actually a later version, possibly 1981, with a different cover design. I found some older versions of this title in a charity shop once, but unfortunately they were wanting over £12 for them and my budget just doesn’t stretch that far right now. I’m also not totally sure what overlap there was, if any, with series 549, which was entitled Robin Hood. More research is definitely required here.
Robin Hood holds a certain amount of fascination for me – mainly because as I child I often went to Sherwood Forest with my parents, and my mum still lives locally. No one seems entirely sure as to whether Robin really existed or not, but there’s no doubt that the story of his has remained popular through the ages, and many children are still familiar with it.
In Outlawed there are actually three short stories about Robin: Robin is Outlawed, Robin meets Little John and Robin meets Friar Tuck. Each tells the story that the title suggests.
As is the case with some of these Classics books, this is actually a very text heavy Ladybird title. Whilst there is an illustration (by Bernard Brett) on each double page spread they are sometimes quite small ones, just there to break up all the text.
If you have a collection of old Ladybird books then please feel free to join in with Ladybird Tuesday. There are no formal rules to follow, just leave a link to any post you write in the comments below and if you’re feeling kind link back to my Ladybird Tuesday category here on Being Mrs C. Thanks!
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