Recently Little Miss C has been complaining that we don't curl up and read together in the daytime any more and sadly she's right. Sitting quietly and trying to read a book is a bit tricky when you've got a one year old trying to climb up on to your knee. It was therefore perfect timing that just the two of us are home this afternoon and my postman brought along a copy of Doug the Bug this morning to review.
LMC loved the last Sue Hendra book that we were sent to review (Keith the cat with the magic hat) and Doug is no different in gaining her affection.
Doug is some sort of purple insect (well I'm guessing that's what he is as he has six legs!) and he hangs around with his best friend Trevor in the garden. One day, after a bit of a falling out, Doug ends up going on a bit of an adventure on his own and finds himself trapped inside the house. He's desperate to escape so he can get back to Trevor, but life doesn't always work out that way, despite the actions of a well-meaning friendly fly.
This really is a hilarious book, with some fantastic colourful artwork which really captures children's attention. The adventures that Doug goes one really remind me of the cover of my old GCSE physics text book. Do you remember the one?
It's funny what triggers memories!
Doug the bug that went boing is a lovely book and perfect for a spot of lighthearted afternoon reading. It's funny, silly, but with an underlying serious message about friendship. LMC has already asked me to read it to her several times and she's only been home from pre-school for a couple of hours.
Disclaimer: We were sent a copy of Doug the bug that went boing! for the purposes of this review.
There is nothing nicer than a cuddle with the kids and a good story is there? This one looks fun 🙂
Id almost forgotten just how nice it is to share a new story together.