Not literally, but that's how my knitting needles feel right now. There's hardly been a chance to do any since Master C came along nearly 8 months ago. I've still been going along to my weekly knitting group, but more time has been spent bouncing the baby than actually knitting. The refreshments and company do make the whole trip very worthwhile though!
I've been making a real effort these last few weeks to turn this around though and make some "me time" to actually do some of the crafts that I love. Unfortunately not all my efforts have been in the right direction though and my pattern reading skills - in particular understanding a pattern full of US terminology – needed a fair amount of help. And that's where my wonderful knitting group came along. A couple of weeks with them (and help bouncing the baby!) and I'm now back on track. This afternoon I even managed a spot of knitting in the garden whilst the kids played.
I'm hoping there's going to be a lot more of this when we really get summer – assuming we do.
Little Miss C's taking a keen interest in what I'm making, especially as it will hopefully be for her when it's complete. It may be over a year since I started this jacket, but I think at last she can see that it might really be wearable – even if she did manage to try it on inside out!
So the plan now is that I make sure I spend a bit of time every day as "me time" – especially since my parenting course is making me realise that I'll be a far better parent if I'm looking after myself as well as the children. It may only be that I manage a row a day, but that's still a million times more than what I was managing before.
Now, time to get off my laptop and get my needles out again.
I had the same problem when my son came along, I was knitting a jumper for my daughter in fluffy wool, it was so fluffy every stitch had to be paid attention to as you couldn’t count back to see what had been done. I just wasn’t getting enough sleep to concentrate
I’ve tried knitting – I can do straight rows and that’s about it – numerous YouTube tutorials late I’ve decided that maybe my brain is wired the wrong way! Love the thought of me time – and you’ve got the skillz!
Thank you – next time we meet up bring your knitting needles and Ill teach you. Honestly not too difficult and just use KnitWitch YouTUbe videos when you get stuck!
I take my hat off to you for even being able to manage that small amount! I love that your daughter is ‘wearing’ it with pride, although it’s only in its early stages! Definitely recommend the ‘me time’, so important I think 🙂