I was thrilled to see that as a follow up to Kirstie's Handmade Home there is now her Handmade Christmas too! I love Christmas and just wish I had more time to be able to do more myself, so I thought some inspiration for things that I might be able to fit in would be good.
Having had a nice trip round Liberty with my mum lately it was lovely to see Kirstie also enjoying a wander round the Christmas store. There were some lovely decorations, including some that I could never justify the price of, but it would be very difficult to go round there without starting to get into the festive spirit!
When I saw that Kirstie wanted to make her own Christmas cake I was initially thinking that she meant that she was going to bake one. Oh no. Just decorating instead. I have to say that I'm not really in to decorating of Christmas cakes, it's the eating I'm more interested in. But maybe that's me. I've nothing against cake decorating in general, but in these thrifty times thought it may be good to hear about actually making the cake instead, but then again I suppose Nigella and Delia cover that!
I'm hoping to get a wreath for our front door (now that we actually have one of our own!) and really liked seeing how Kirstie made hers. It certainly made me realise how simple it can be just as long as you have somewhere nearby where you can find the nature bits you need to make it. I'm not sure I'm going to have time this year, but I'll have to remember for 2010.
My tree decorations have always been simple shop bought ones, but I really liked the glass striped ones. I'm not sure I'll be able to afford a glass blowing lesson, but I'll certainly be looking out to buy a few more interesting ones in years to come.
Gift making on tomorrow's programme which should be good. Until then though I think I'll be working out if my tree needs more decorations or not!
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