Wearing a helmet may be the best safety measure you can take when riding your motorcycle. According to statistics, more than 70% of motorcycle accidents occur because of head injuries, so wearing a helmet can protect you from these accidents immensely. But finding the proper helmet for you can be challenging, from what brand to get to how big it should be depending on the size of your cranium. At BikeBandit.com, you can find a number of motorcycle helmets for big heads. Here are some of the advantages of purchasing a bigger bike helmet. Protects Your Face The first advantage of a bigger ... read more
BritMums Live and beyond to Red Bull
Last weekend saw over 500 bloggers descend on central London for BritMums Live! 2014. I enjoyed last year's conference so much that I booked a ticket for 2014 just a few hours after getting home. Once again it didn't fail to disappoint, but at the same time I think I have moved on a bit since then, and my blogging certainly has too. As well as being an excellent opportunity to meet up with other bloggers the conference featured some really useful sessions which I felt that I learnt a huge amount from. My notebook is full of plans for a new blog design, ideas on how to use Pinterest better ... read more
Featured Post: Multitasking your viewing?
When I got in from BritMumsLive! on Saturday night I was pretty much ready to flop on the sofa and collapse in front of something mind-numbing on TV. As luck would have it the BBC were showing I Love 1996, and I'm a complete sucker for this type programme. Lots of talking heads and opportunities to say "I remember that!" 1996 holds a special place in my heart though. It was the year I did my A-levels and left school. The year I moved into my first flat and the year I started my first job. A pretty memorable year. In addition to what was going on in my life there was also the matter of a ... read more
Walking with my Fitbug
Now, normally when an email arrives offering me diet or exercise products I politely ignore them. It's not that I don't want to be fitter and lose some weight - I've had two kids, so of course I do - but I just really struggle to find the time in my day to fit in formal exercise. When the email came from Fitbug I initially wrote a similar response, but then something made me stop and re-read their original email and look into it a bit more. So why was Fitbug so different? Very simple, I saw the word "walk" in what they were saying. Now, whilst I hate running, I LOVE to ... read more