I know I shouldn't have, but another knitting project found its way onto my needles this week. I'm afraid my little model was in bed asleep as I sit here writing this post so for the time being this photo will have to suffice. This is the Rosy Posy Hat from The fourth little Sublime hand knit book, but at the moment due to a complete lack of time it is missing the flowers that should be on it. The sudden cold snap made me realise that all the hats I made for Little Miss C last year no longer fit her and there was no way I could justify buying her a new one when I have a stash of ... read more
Knitted Bunting
It's National Knitting Week this week and my needles have been busy today knitting bunting to take with me to my knitting group at StudioDelirium tomorrow. The plan is that we're going to help decorate the cafe where we meet - I just hope I'm not the only one that's done their "homework" as I'm not sure I've done enough alone to provide much decoration! I used this pattern on Ravelry by Karen Wessel and the yarn was left over sock yarn from a pair I made whilst waiting for Little Miss C to arrive. Each triangle took about an hour ... read more
Calling all local crafters…
I've got some exciting news that I've been meaning to share with you for ages - I've found a new home for all St Albans crafty types. The lovely Charlotte has opened up StudioDelirium in the grounds of the Secret Garden Cafe here in St Albans. She's offering knitting and crochet classes, a weekly Stitch & Bitch session and also selling a delightful array of lovely yarn and crafty accessories, as well as some lovely handmade bits buy local people including myself! Whilst she's starting small she is very keen to meet the needs of all local crafts people, so ... read more
Intricate knitting
My first attempt at knitting following a chart. Whilst I'm really enjoying doing it, it is also making me realise just how rare it is that I am knitting whilst there is nothing else fighting for my attention. Knitting like this doesn't lend itself well to being done with only half a mind on it! Progress may therefore be even slower than normal. The yarn is Rowan Pure Wool 4 Ply and if I could find the ball band I'd even tell you what colour it is! The chart I am following is one for a Lace Scarf by Sarah Hatton that came with the Rowan International members gift a couple of years ... read more
No time for words
I guess this may become a regular feature as there aren't enough hours in the day some days. The yarn came from my mum, and was originally picked up in a charity shop for 50p for the whole (slightly knotty) bundle. Not yet sure what it will be used for. ... read more
The kindness of knitters
I've started attending a weekly knitting group here in St Albans and I'm really enjoying having company whilst knitting. The group comprises a mix of women of all ages and backgrounds yet there is one strange thing that bonds several of us together - bizarrely five of us are all called Penelope! Not something you'd expect with the name not being all that common. Its been lovely to get to know these women and between them they have some fantastic knitting skills. The speed of some of them is also astounding. Each week more and more finished items are pulled out bags to be passed ... read more
A studio update
There's been a lot of work going on down the bottom of the garden recently. Not of a gardening nature, but instead in my studio down there and it's looking very different to how things were a couple of months ago. Gone are all the old paint pots that used to sit on the shelves next to my sewing machine. Also, gone is the pile of old carpet that was in the corner until we found somewhere else to use it. Instead I have clear space, a second table and two bookcases to build. As of this afternoon I also have a vast quantity of yarn, machine cotton thread, buttons, zips, knitting needles ... read more
A moment of calm…
So calm in fact that I'm rewarding myself with ten minutes of knitting time. There's the first of a pair of socks on the needles at the moment in a lovely rich red alpaca yarn. A new pair of socks can't fail to cheer a girl up. ... read more
Wind the bobbin up…
I couldn't help but sing this nursery rhyme today whilst finally turning a hank of alpaca that I bought years ago into a usable ball to finally start the pair of socks that I'm supposed to be making with it. The singing and my winding also kept LMC amused, maybe she'll like knitting too when she's a bit older. That's not the only bit of craftiness that I've managed today though. My dpns now hold the first few rounds of one alpaca sock and I even found time to have a small play with Hipstamatic too. Expect more analogue digital photos soon ... read more
Cheeky Beret
Some say that it's impossible for a girl to have too many hats. In this cold weather I definitely agree with them. This lovely little beret is the Cheeky Beret from Sublime #612, The Third Little Sublime Hand Knit Book. Made using up some James C. Brett pure merino that I bought from a closing down sale years ago it was worked on 3.25mm and 4mm needles over just a few evenings. Nice and simple and so stylish that I'm looking in my stash to see if it's possible to make another one in different colours to match one of her outfits! ... read more