Photo by Anna Shvets:
A trip to the opticians for an eye test, a visit to the dentist to check your teeth and a hearing test, are all important things that you should be checking on a yearly basis, to ensure your overall health is at its best.
Keeping on top of your health is important as looking after yourself will prevent anything deteriorating, which could affect your physical and mental health. Your health is the most important part of your life, that everyone should look after. You could have all the money in the world, but that means nothing when you are feeling unwell and your health deteriorates.
Below we look into health checks to keep on top of each year.
Eye Test
Having an eye test is very important as in the check-ups, they will examine your overall eye health. They will check your vision and see if there are any underlying issues that you may not know of, such as a detached retina. If anything crops up, they will be able to book an appointment to look into your eyes further, or in most cases, recommend a set of glasses for you to purchase to help your sight. When looking online for eye tests, there are a lot of free eye tests vouchers that you can use in your local shopping centre.
Dentist Visit
No matter your age, you should be going to the dentist regularly. Just like your eyes, check-ups are important for discovering any issues (which hopefully you don’t have) with your teeth. By visiting regularly, if any issues crop up, it is better to catch it sooner rather than later, as fixing it will be quicker and less painful. In most cases when you visit a dentist you will not require treatments, but they will make recommendations on looking after your teeth moving forward, after your examination.
Hearing Test
No one ever enjoys going for a health check, but it’s worthwhile as it will keep your overall health on top. Part of a health check should involve a hearing test. Hearing tests are quick examinations that check that all is well with your hearing and that you are hearing what you should be. They are very affordable and in most cases can be done in a hearing shop in your local shopping centre or town. As technology develops, you are able to do a basic hearing test (which you should do alongside a professional one) using your earbuds, such as the Apple Air Pods Pro 2. Using these you can do a quick test every couple of months.
Health checks are quick and easy to do. Once done, you can relax knowing your body is working as it should be. What health checks do you like to do each year? Which of the above ones have you done before and do you do all three of them? Is there anything missing in our guide that you think we should be adding? Let us know in the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you.
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