You’ve probably spent a lot of time contemplating whether to breastfeed or formula feed your new bundle of joy. This is a decision many new moms struggle with as there are negative connotations associated with formula feeding.
No one will ever deny that breastfeeding is best for a baby, but sometimes, this method just isn’t doable for one reason or another, and that’s perfectly okay. Formula feeding delivers all the nutrients your baby needs to thrive, and you can develop just as close a bond with your little one as you would if you breastfed. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of formula feeding, so you can make an informed decision that’s best for you and your baby.
1. Pro: Anyone Can Feed the Little One
When you work with the best baby formula for newborns, anyone can help feed your baby. This is the most significant advantage of formula feeding, giving you more freedom and flexibility than you could otherwise expect.
If you breastfeed (and don’t pump), you are the only person who can feed the baby, regardless of what is going on in your life. Not feeling well? Too bad. When your baby is hungry, you must feed them. Busy with something? Once again, you have no choice but to drop it.
Formula feeding also allows the other parent to bond with the baby over feeding time. This closeness with both parents makes for a happy, well-rounded little one.
2. Con: You Won’t Lose the Baby Weight as Quickly
When you breastfeed, your body returns to normal faster, and this includes dropping the “baby weight.” Unfortunately, you won’t experience this quick weight loss if you formula feed. So you may need to work a little harder to return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
3. Pro: You Won’t Have to Deal with Engorged Breasts
One of the biggest downfalls of breastfeeding is the uncomfortable, messy breast engorgement. As a formula feeder, you won’t have to worry about changing out nipple pads every hour, and you’ll be able to exercise without that uncomfortable, painful feeling.
4. Con: Washing and Sterilizing Bottles
The biggest con to formula feeding is the unbelievable number of bottles and bottle parts you must rinse, wash, and sterilize on a daily basis. If you don’t have a dishwasher, this can quickly become a tedious task.
5. Pro: You Know Exactly How Much Your Baby is Eating
When you breastfeed, it can be challenging to determine how much your baby is eating. That can be stressful, especially for first-time mothers who may not fully understand how breastfeeding works.
On the other hand, formula feeding gives you exact measurements of how much your baby is eating. You’ll be able to see on the side of the bottle how many ounces your baby has consumed. This information is vital if your child has eating issues and you need to discuss options with your pediatrician.
6. Con: Bottle Prep Is Time-Consuming
No matter how you cut it, bottle feeding takes more time than breastfeeding. Preparing a bottle can be time-consuming compared to simply taking out your breast. Even if you prepare bottles ahead of time, you still need to prep at feeding time, especially if your little one is new and requires warm formula to avoid tummy troubles.
Ultimately, deciding whether to formula feed or breastfeed is a personal choice you must make based on what’s best for you and your baby. There is no shame in either option, so do what you know is best – your baby will thrive either way!
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