As their children grow up, parents have to tackle new challenges. They go from teaching their child how to walk and talk, to helping them with their homework, and finally, to helping them as they get ready to leave school.
The fact is, raising a well-educated child doesn’t end when they leave school. If your child wants to go into higher education, then you can help them to achieve their dreams.
Plan Ahead
This is an important stage in your child’s life and can have ramifications for years to come. As with any meaningful decision, planning is the best way to ensure a better future. At this stage, your child should know their ideal career path, as well as their likely grades.
Even if they only narrow it down to an industry, knowing their ideal future career will help you and your child find a university that covers a relevant course. Not every university will teach every subject. It’s easy to search universities via subject, so you can see where students can learn specific subjects and even the best universities for the task.
Students need to have applied to their preferred universities months in advance, often by the January before the term starts. With this in mind, you should get this research done as soon as you can, so that you can narrow down potential universities in time to apply.
Getting Into University
Getting into university is no easy task, especially if your child has high hopes for a prestigious university. As well as good grades, hopeful students should foster a good reputation and try to build up experiences to help them prove themselves and stand out from the crowd.
Most universities ask students to send in a statement about themselves and their lives. You can use personal statement services to help your child to put their best foot forward and make a good first impression. This can make the difference between an application being accepted and rejected.
Being Supportive and Approachable
Leaving school and going to university is a huge step in your child’s life and represents a massive change. Change is stressful for anyone, but especially for teenagers and young adults. If you’re worried at this time, then your child is likely even more so.
True, some students are more excited than anxious about going to university, but you should ensure that your child feels as though they can talk to you about any concerns or questions that they may have. Even if you haven’t been to university, you’ve still been in a situation where you’ve left home and transitioned into the adult world.
Provide practical help and advice as well. Being a parent means more than simply providing for your children financially and materially, it’s also up to you to teach your children how to grow up into responsible and self-sufficient adults. Teach them how to cook, how to budget their funds, how to schedule their time wisely, and how to be safe.
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