Some say that giving has become commercialized and has lost its true meaning; this is clear to see during the holiday period, but there’s a reason why giving is such a popular thing to do, commercial or not. Giving has ancient roots that go back to our ancestors who also benefited.
It Makes us Feel Happier
What makes you feel happier, buying something for yourself or spending your money on someone else? If you’re like most people, you would tick the first box, but according to a 2008 survey carried out by Harvard University, spending money on others makes us happier.
So why is this? It turns out there is a biological basis for the phenomenon; giving money to help others activates regions of our brains associated with trust, social connections, and pleasure. So the next time your wage comes in, consider your happiness levels before spending.
It is Good for Mental Health
Mental health issues are endemic in our culture for various reasons; some of them are due to social expectations and economic realities, while others are personal and connected with biological and psychological factors. But, there are many natural solutions to these issues.
Mindfulness techniques can go a long way to helping someone overcome mental health issues, but so can giving. According to numerous studies from top universities like Harvard and UOC, giving helps us to think outside of ourselves and creates more positive moods and intentions.
It Benefits Other People
From the earliest times, humans have cooperated; this is one of the reasons the species has developed and advanced the way it has; just consider whether another species, perhaps a lone hunter, could create systems of agriculture that led to a rocket making its way to the moon.
Cooperation is a standard commodity in the human world, and giving is one way to collaborate. When you give to someone freely through the Give Sadaqah
they receive a benefit, and you are rewarded with a good feeling and better wellbeing. Then, further down the line, your act of giving is returned to you.
It Generates Gratitude
What era five things you are grateful for in your life? Take a moment and think about this now; write them down on your phone, so you can reflect on them later. It’s helpful to remind ourselves what we are grateful for because it instills a sense of appreciation and wellbeing that is free.
Gratitude is a feeling that’s worth cultivating because it makes us happier and creates more harmony in the world. Giving and receiving are ways to grow the feeling of gratitude; if you are giving, it makes you think about what others need, and if you receive, you appreciate the effort.
It Inspires Others to Give
Another characteristic of human beings is their capacity to imitate; humans love to imitate each other and pretend to be other people; just think of how popular TV and movies are to get an idea of this. Giving is the same; when someone starts giving, others follow and try to imitate.
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