There are many types of cancer, and many efforts we will take to fight them. However, there’s no denying that a certain few types of cancer get more attention than others, with breast cancer being a key example. However, one type that is not as common, and thus not publicized as widely is brain cancer. While it’s not as common, brain tumours affect roughly 11,000 people in the UK alone.
If you or someone you love has been affected, you might want to know what you can do to get involved in the fight against brain cancer, and here are some of the ways you might be able to help.

Becoming informed and raising awareness
Knowing more about brain cancer and spreading the information that you do know can help people become more aware of the need to help with the cause. Furthermore, it can also spread awareness of symptoms that people should have checked out, as well as some of the risk factors for brain cancer that they can avoid.
Finding organizations to support
There are several great organisations that are helping with brain cancer as well as related neurological conditions. When it comes to showing your support, no one can really say that there is a “wrong answer.” Organisations such as The National Brain Appeal can use your help in a variety of ways, whether it’s by buying goods that support ongoing drives, making regular donations, or even saving up to make a single big donation in the year. Whatever you can give to the charities that are either funding research or providing direct care for those fighting brain cancer is a great help.
Raising money for the cause
Directly funding the organizations that you support, or contributing what resources you can, is going to do a great deal of good. However, there are various fundraising efforts that you might be able to undertake to raise even more money from those around you as well. This is especially true if you run a local small business, using what platform you have to lend not just your organisational capabilities to the organisation that you want to support, such as by running a bake sale, but you can also help them get some visibility, too.
Directly helping those affected
Not everyone can dedicate the time that might be needed to help with some of the causes that they care about. However, if you do have spare time and you have skills that could greatly help, then you should look at organisations such as The Brain Tumour Charity that offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities for you to get directly involved. While many of these organisations do have employees, they depend on the existence of volunteers to reach as many people as they can.
Cancer, and brain cancer, in particular, are scary subjects, but that doesn’t mean it should be taboo to speak up and reach out when you can to help with them. Hopefully, the tips above show that.
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