Statistical data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star Program reveals that an average US household ends up spending roughly about $2000 on energy bills. If you come to think of it, this is quite a lot of money. With rising prices of everything, it has become extremely important to save money. No matter how little it may be, in the long run, every penny counts.
Thankfully, implementing a few things can help you to see a drop in your utility bills, thus making your house more energy-efficient.

We have selected 4 ways which can bring a significant reduction on your monthly electric charges.
Smart Lighting
You may not know this but swapping your conventional lighting options in the house with LED bulbs or compact fluorescent lamps can help you cut down up to 75 dollars per year. After you have figured out which are the most used lights in the house, you can switch them up with dimmers. These look extremely beautiful and give a diffused look, allowing you to set the brightness in the room to suit your needs and save electricity. Also, with the smart lighting options, not only does it help you to save on the total amount of money but also lets you have remote access. This means that if you are outside of your home and would like to change any setting or shut them, you can do so from your cellphone while being away.
Tankless Heaters
If you may have been wondering if tankless water heaters actually are that efficient or not, We assure you- they are. So, how much money does a tankless water heater save you? To your surprise, you could be saving about $110 annually by going tankless as it is 24-34% more energy-efficient. Also, on average, tankless water heaters are much more long-lasting than their conventional counterparts. Once you have got one, you can rest assured that it would easily serve you for about twenty years and the total savings cost could amount up to $2,160. For daily utilization, it offers unlimited hot water and also saves you space. So, it is another thing that makes your home more energy-efficient.
Using Dishwasher Intelligently
Even though it may seem to you that running dishwashers may cost more as they use electricity, they actually help more in saving energy if you consider the total spending of money, water, and time as compared to hand washing. According to the California Energy Commission, using a dishwasher can help you to save up to 5000 gallons of water annually on average along with $40 on utility and about 250 hours of manual time. Something to consider right?
Programmable Thermostat
Did you know that with a programmable thermostat you could save up to 1 percent per 8 hour period for each degree you turn down your thermostat? So, just imagine how much you will be able to save by the year-end. Also, you should completely switch off the heater when spring is near and use the air conditioner only when it is unbearably hot in peak summers. Using fans and cooling gadgets can also aid in reducing utility bills in the long run.
Everyone’s house is different and that is why you should take a clear view of the things that you could tweak on to save more money and electricity. We sincerely hope that you find these ideas useful.
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