“Oh no! They are still fighting over petty issues!” Having renters who give each other a hard time is something that a landlord never needs and wants.
You did everything in your power to find the perfect renter for your rental property, but you forgot to match their respective personalities. What you don’t know is that even the best screening procedures can’t prevent the rising conflicts and disputes amongst your renters. And because you are the landlord, you automatically get dragged into the renter’s drama.

If you are also amongst those landlords who are trying really hard to solve the renter’s disputes, here are some points that can be used to get rid of it once and for all.
Let’s get started!
- Don’t take sides
First of all, no matter how much you want to favor a particular tenant, never ever choose sides. It will definitely go against you, and you might end up losing all your credibility. Instead, as a landlord, it is your duty to respect both parties, listen to their arguments, and make a fair decision.
- Arrange frequent meetings
90% of the disputes occur because the renters don’t actually know each other. They get irritated with one thing, and small arguments turn into big fights. Being a landlord it is your responsibility to meddle and avoid that. You should arrange brunch or meetings for the renters so that they can talk about their issues in a safe and sound environment calmly. Plus, frequent meetings will help your renters to know each other better and will definitely help them to get over their petty disputes.
- Hire professionals
Petty disagreements over loud noises, stealing parking spots/mails, and aggressive smells can be solved with mutual discussions and some warnings. But in severe cases such as harassment or violence, you must take legal action and ensure your renters’ safety.
But if things go out of your hands, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals who can resolve the problems. Yes, not many people know this, but according to the property management experts at https://genuinemanaged.com/, contacting the professionals to resolve their disputes on your behalf can help you to stay out of the problem completely. Thankfully, they have some amazing techniques that can help your tenants get rid of their disputes for good, That’s really convenient!
- Document everything for legal purposes
Remember, whenever you get involved in the fights of your tenants, you might need some legal proof if things don’t turn out as you planned. And the last thing you want to face is to be falsely accused of anything. So, it is better to save all the emails, chats, and meeting recordings just to be on the safer side. Perhaps, you may also choose to put up some conditions and limitations in your rental agreement. You can visit this URL here to find some good examples for your rental/lease agreement.
Wrapping Up!
Fighting tenants can be a problem for you and your neighbors. As a landlord, you should be able to use your experience and knowledge to help them get over their issues and live peacefully. Also, it is your responsibility to keep a check that the situation doesn’t go out of control. So, embrace the role of a landlord and clear those disputes once and for all!
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