One of my best moments of 2017 had to be seeing Paddington 2 at the cinema. I absolutely loved that film and it wasn’t only the kids that were desperate to go and see it again. I am therefore absolutely thrilled that Paddington 2 is out on DVD today (12 March 2018) and to celebrate I’ve been asked to take part in the Paddington 2 Marmalade Challenge.
“What is that?” I hear you ask. Well, we all know that Paddington loves marmalade sandwiches – and rightly so as they are absolutely delicious – and I’ve been challenged to come up with my very own marmalade sandwiches design.
Now, the brief was a little vague, and as my kitchen is more than a little cramped for space right now (we’re hopefully moving very, very soon) so I took a bit of artistic licence when it came to the design and I tried to think about how Paddington would think about things. He’s a straight talking kind of bear. I like to think of him as being a bit of a northerner in the way that he calls a spade a shovel.
Paddington strikes me as the kind of bear who doesn’t necessarily worry too much about how his marmalade sandwiches look. Instead he’d be more concerned about how they taste, and with that in mind I set about to come up with a marmalade sandwich design that focused on taste and ingredients rather than look.
I also decided to follow the wise words of my old school headmistress. I was fortunate enough to go to a boarding school and we had a very old fashioned headmistress who ran a tight ship when it came to discipline. At the same time though, she always said that her job was to raise young ladies who didn’t mind taking a risk and learning from their mistakes. I recall her making a speech to parents, not too long before her retirement, in which she talked about how in certain ways she would let the girls at school find things out for themselves rather than telling them not to do something.
The one example that she gave that stuck with me was that over the years she had seen several girls take to eating sausages at breakfast with marmalade. She pointed out that she had never stopped these girls, but had also taken the view point that they would realise for themselves that it wasn’t a nice taste combination and give up. Then she paused and said something along the lines of “thinking about it they’ve been doing it for rather a long time now, so maybe there is some mileage in it after all”.
I’ve no idea if Mrs Lawrence ever tried sausages and marmalade, but when asked to come up with marmalade sandwiches for Paddington 2 Marmalade Challenge it seemed the perfect combination. Especially bearing in mind I was doing this on Mother’s Day and rather fancied something tasty for my brunch. As I’ve said before, Paddington is the kind of bear who keeps his sandwiches under his hat, so I’m sure he’s not too fussy about how they look.
I’m utterly delighted to be able to come back and say that it seems that sausage and marmalade sandwiches are actually absolutely divine! I totally get that they’re not an obvious flavour combination, but they work really well together.
Snugging up with the kids on Mother’s Day sausage and marmalade sandwiches were the perfect accompaniment to watching Paddington 2 again. I loved the film the first time around at the cinema and I’m delighted too say that the magic was very much there as we watched it at home too.
Paddington 2 is available on DVD, Blu-ray and 4K UHD + Blu-ray from 12 March 2018. You can buy it online here.
Disclaimer: We were sent a Paddington 2 goodie bag and the film on DVD for taking part in this challenge. This post contains affiliate links.
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