There are few times that are better for making a fresh start in your home than in the New Year. After all, you’ve probably just had a pretty stressful and busy couple of months with the holidays, so this may well be the first moment of peace that you’ve had in ages. So why not take advantage of this free time to make some changes to your home that will bring it back to life? With that in mind, here are some incredibly simple things that you might want to try that will entirely reinvigorate your home.
New flooring
The floor is one of those things that can make a huge difference to how your home looks and feels but it’s also something that a lot of people tend to ignore. After all, how much time do you spend staring at your feet when you’re at home? But even though might not be right at the top of your list of priorities, it’s worth thinking about making some changes to your flooring if you want to breathe fresh life into your home. It doesn’t even need to be that expensive. Sure, you can go for hardwood flooring, but laminate can be just as effective at half the price. Of course, if you’re going to do that then don’t forget about getting some Factory Direct Flooring underlay for laminate since that’s going to help absorb a lot of noise and make the floor last a lot longer. Even if you don’t think about it that often, you’ll be amazed at how much it can change the way a room feels as soon as you walk into it.
A fresh coat of paint
There seems to be a strange trend going around that says that people can only ever paint their walls to be either white or magnolia, as though anything more colourful than that is going to immediately make their home look tacky and ugly. Of course, there’s a solid idea behind this. The idea is that you’re supposed to add bursts of colour on top of the walls rather than using the walls themselves. However, a lot of people end up with a home that just feels kind of blank because of it. Why not try injecting a little more excitement into your home with some bold colours, even if it’s just as a feature wall and not for the entire room.
If there was ever a better time than early in the new year to start decluttering your home. After all, following the holidays you’re probably going to have way more stuff than you really need and taking down the decorations should give you a chance to start putting away things that are just taking up space. Sure, it can be tough to get rid of things since most of us are pretty sentimental, but if you’re really honest about what it is that you actually use in your home, you’ll probably find that you can put a lot more stuff into storage, or even throw away entirely, than you might expect.
Of course, no one says that you have to start working on these kinds of things right away! After all, you might just want to spend some time relaxing and recovering from the manic holiday season. But the last thing you want to is to spend too long relaxing, or things will get busy again before you know it and you won’t have time to do any of these jobs at all!
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