OK by supermum I don’t mean that you wear a cape and fly around, although it can feel like that sometimes! I think a supermum is one that does her best to get as much on the never ending to do list done while looking after the little ones. It’s not about perfection though, although it can still be pretty stressful. So, with that in mind here are some things that might relieve a little of the stress that many mums feel on a day to day basis.
Keep your energy up
When you have little ones to look after, everything can end up being focused on them, including the meals that you prepare and eat. In fact, it can be very easy for your eating habits to get out of whack because you are putting them first all of the time. This is not a good idea though, because you will need lots of energy to keep up with your rug rats each day, and a good way to do this is to make sure that you are eating right.
That doesn’t mean everything has to be macrobiotic and raw, a healthy balanced diet will do just as well, and in particular spreading out small meals and snack through the day can help you maintain stable energy levels. If you want to give this a go but don’t fancy having to reap all of these snacks from scratch, you can buy things like whole food cereal bars that aren’t too high in calories, or even go for a snack subscription services. As these make it super easy by posting you yummy things to eat.
Streamline tasks
In my world making anything easier is always a good bet, and you can also minimise supermum stress by streamlining some of the tasks that you have to get done. Do this by making little changes like having a two pile washing bin so you can sort lights and darks beforehand, or by making tidying up toys into a game for the kids. Instead of spending your evening making sure the house looks presentable.
You can even make more occasional tasks more convenient like taking the kids to doctors appointments by using things like this NHS GP App service. It is a service that is similar to the video doctors apps that you get, but the best thing is that because they’re NHS, they don’t cost you any extra for appointments or prescriptions. Meaning you get a great level of care in a more convenient way, without being out of pocket.
Take a break
Lastly, no matter how good a mum you are it’s always a great idea to take a break now and again. Believe it or not, the family can do without you for 20 mins as long as someone else responsible is watching them. So, treat yourself to a cuppa and a biscuit if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, or choose to watch your favorite show for an hour when they are in bed. Instead of completing that pile of ironing.
You’ll feel better for it, meaning the whole family will benefit as you will be able to resume your supermum duties with renewed vigour.
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