Parenting can be tough at times. Especially if your kids seem to think that you model yourself on that Pinterest and Instagram mum, who always has a new craft activity or similar lined up ready to do at a moment’s notice. Reality is that your child is likely to ask to do something, you begrudgingly agree to their crafty ideas and start rummaging in drawers, cupboards and boxes to find everything they need. Half way through the project the child, or children, will suddenly declare that they need something else to complete their masterpiece so you then start plouging through the entire contents of your garden shed or attic to find the holy crafting grail, only to return to find that they’ve abandoned the crafting project, left glitter all over the floor and are now watching DVDs at full volume whilst trying to look all innocent about the PVA glue you’ve spotted on the sofa cushions. Or maybe that’s just in my household?
The Weekend Box is here to help though. This fortnightly box delivers everything you need for either two or four fun weekend activities directly to your door. The activities fall into one the four categories of something to make, something to bake, something to explore and more. I’ve had a few subscription boxes to review with the kids over the years so I was intrigued to be sent a Weekend Box to review. The box we were sent was one of the mini boxes that contain two activities, but you can also subscribe to bumper boxes that instead have four activities in them.
Each box features four furry friends (Wooster, Hattie, Sammy and Oswald – meet them and the rest of the Weekend Box team here) to help the children with their weekend box activities and LMC loved colouring in the inside of her box into a certificate which she now has proudly displayed on the side of her bunk bed.
The box we were sent came beautifully addressed to Little Miss C and she was absolutely thrilled to have post of her own to open. Once inside she was delighted to find two different sets of Snazaroo face paints. LMC still loves having her face painted and it’s something that she always asks to have done whenever we go to a festival or similar. As a mum, I know that Snazaroo is a quality brand that you can rely on.
Inside were a set of face paint stamps – perfect for people like me who struggle to come up with designs on their own – and also a kit to paint a tiger face, complete with step by step instructions.
We decided to just test out the stamps on LMC’s hand and then to embark upon the full on tiger design on her face.
One piece of advice that LMC herself gave me when I embarked on the face painting was to make sure that the sponge or brush that I am using is wet. A top tip, and if I’m honest, one that a face painting amateur like me needed.
The kit came with a small sponge to use to apply the base colour yellow and also the white used for shading on top of it. Also in there was a brush and black face paint for the detailing.
Now, I really am no pro at this, but I, and LMC, were really pleased with the results.
Bathtime did involve a bit of scrubbing to get the paint off, but I’d rather that was the case than a trail of face paint being left all across my sofa cushions!
You can subscribe to the Weekend Box here on their website. There are a choice of either mini boxes, containing two activities and priced at £5.95 a box, or the bumper box, which contains 4 activities and is priced at £8.95 a box.
Disclaimer: We were sent a Weekend Box for the purposes of this review. All opinions remain my own.
Great blog as ever, will look these face paints up for my Neice and Nephews. Anoodle would love them.
And will mention the boxes to my sister.
Thanks d x