Burger Porn. Now I don’t know about you, but when an email came into my inbox featuring those two words I simply had to read on.
I love a burger. The juicier and larger the better. There’s something about them that is just utterly gorgeous but at the same time slightly dirty. Let’s be honest, eating the best burgers is often a messy affair. The whole process normally involves juices dripping everywhere and you’re bound to get sauce on your fingers too. And then there’s the whole matter of whether or not you can actually fit it in your mouth or not. Eating one in front of someone else always makes me feel a bit embarrassed. Yet, for me the best burgers have been found in restaurants so short of taking up a new hobby of dining alone I’m always feeling you can’t quite get the full satisfaction of eating them.
That might be all set to change though with PornBurger. This is, much as the name suggests, a book of pure Burger Porn. The sub-title of “Hot Buns and Juicy Beefcakes” just adds to the naughtiness of what you’re going to find between its pages. It’s no exaggeration to say that I sat and opened this book for the first time and found myself saying “Oh my God” several times before texting a friend to tell them just how obscenely wonderful it was.
If you’re a vegetarian then this book is not for you. Stop reading right now and go and much on some lettuce instead. (As a bit of an aside – the author of PornBurger was veggie for six years. Quite amazing when you see what the book contains!) Meat eaters however will find page after page of burger porn to lust after and all accompanied by recipes so that you can indulge your burger fantasies at home. They’re the kind of recipes that you’re going to have to plan and prepare for, rather than something you knock out quickly after work, but I’m sure the results are going to be worth it.
The porn doesn’t stop with burgers though. As any burger lover will know the other things on the plate (and I’m sorry but I do still prefer my burger on a plate rather than a tin try or bit of wood) can be just as important and luckily PornBurger doesn’t skimp on the sides. There’s everything in there from Fried Macaroni and Cheese Buns (I’ve had these before – totally lush) to Spam Fries. I mean Spam Fries? I defy any Northern burger lover not to want to try these.
I’m sure I’m not the only person out there who lusts after burgers in this way and PornBurger is the perfect book for all of us who love bit of burger porn. You might not ever get round to actually making any of the recipes, but does that really matter? It might be better for the diet if I just look at the pictures!
Inspired by his popular site pornburger.me PornBurger by Mathew Ramsey is published on 8th September 2016 priced at £16.99. ISBN 9781743367445
Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of PornBurger for the purposes of this review. All opinions, and my love of burger porn, is completely my own. This post contains affiliate links.
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