My mum is about to move house, and as she’s downsizing she’s spent the last few months having a huge clear out of all the stuff that the family has accumulated over the years. It’s fair to say that I think none of us had any idea just how much stuff there was in her house, garages and outbuildings. As part of this my sister and I have been helping where we can by taking a few things off her hands, especially things that we have fond childhood memories of.
I’ve always been a huge fan of maps, vintage ones in particular (and that passion was reawakened by the relevant vintage Ladybird book of course!), and so when I was given the job of sorting through the shelves and shelves of maps that her and my father had collected over the years it was actually a joy. I’m yet to understand why they ever felt the need to have four copies of one particular OS map of the Yorkshire Dales (all the same issue) but I did eventually manage to streamline the maps that she should keep and also the ones that I was interested in keeping.
I brought home with me a small selection of old maps that I wanted to keep either for their vintage look, or because I thought they’d be useful in a craft project – if I can ever bring myself to cut them up!
My Dad used to store all his maps in this small red mini magazine holder things that I think once held technical journals of some sort. They’re incredibly practical, but not the nicest of things to look at.
After spotting some vintage map washi tape in one of the Bureau Direct Stationery Wednesday newsletters I just knew that I had to have some and that it would be perfect for this particular task. A few years ago I also picked up some vintage map stickers in a charity shop (you can actually buy them here) and these have since sat on a shelf just waiting for the right project. And here it is.
The washi tape was perfect to go round all the edges and then I used the stickers to decorate the sides. Just a quick little project whilst watching TV one evening, but it’s cheered me up no end to have all these lovely vintage maps now on my shelf in this.
That’s the beauty of washi tape – you can use to it transform something so quickly. And when you combine my loves of washi tape and vintage maps together then it has to be a winner!
Disclaimer: Although I’m currently working with Bureau Direct I actually bought this washi tape from them (check out their new range from MT here) and I wasn’t asked to write this post. This post does contain an affiliate link – although not with Bureau Direct.
I really love these, that washi tape is gorgeous! I love looking through old maps, like you I have a few that I saved to cut up for craft projects but I can’t see myself ever doing it! I’ve recently been stocking up on washi tape because I really love it so I have plenty, but now you’ve sent me over to Bureau Direct and I’ve discovered all sorts of lovely things, I’m going to be adding a few bits to my Christmas list!