There are some children’s books that I love. Ones that I remember fondly from my own childhood and ones that I know my children have loved and that I’ve enjoyed sharing with them. It’s rare though to fall completely and utterly in love with a children’s book on first reading, but that’s exactly what happened with Where Bear?
by new writer and illustrator Sophy Henn.
There’s an old fashioned simplicity that’s just utterly perfect in Where Bear? and the vintage style of the illustrations had me at first thinking that this must be a re-publication of a much-loved old title. The beauty of it combined with it being a hardback book really makes it perfect as a gift for someone.
As for the story, well “Once there was a bear who lived with a little boy…” and they became the best of friends. However, bears don’t stay small, cute and cuddly for ever and bear grows a bit too big to live in the little boy’s house any more. So, together they set off to find somewhere new for bear to call home. It’s a lovely story of their friendship, but also has so much in it to interest children and spark questions from them.
Little Miss C absolutely loved the story and we chatted away lots about so many of the pictures in the book. Master C (nearly 2) also enjoyed it, but more just to be able to shout “bear” at every page and point at the pictures. It’s aimed at ages 3+ which seems about right, although I think younger siblings would also enjoy it if you’re reading it together.
It’s lovely to find a new author and illustrator with such a gorgeous old fashioned style and I’m fascinated to see what she comes up with next.
Disclaimer: We were sent a copy of Where Bear? for the purposes of this review. This post contains affiliate links.
Where Bear? Written and illustrated by Sophy Henn is published by Puffin in hardback on 7th August 2014.
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