I’ll let you in on a bit of a secret. I’m a breakfast cereal addict. I love the stuff. The sweet ones. The healthy ones. The ones that turn the milk chocolately. The whole lot. When I’m home alone my guilty pleasure is a bowl before bed, and it’s rare that a morning passes when I don’t have a bowl of some cereal. When I heard that BritMums were looking for bloggers to take part in the #RealMumsAllBran 5-Day Challenge I stuck my hand in the air instantly.
The way the challenge worked is that we were sent three All-Bran flavours (Golden Crunch, Red Berry Crunch and new Chocolate Wheats) and we were asked to try them for five consecutive days to see if I noticed a difference in my general digestive well-being. You see all that fibre that you get from All-Bran is perfect to help your tummy feel good and to put an end to that bloated feeling that so many of us get. A huge 52% of 1000 women studies experience digestive complaints and as 90 to 95 % of the “happy” hormone serotonin being made in the gut it’s no wonder that so many of us feel a bit down and sluggish.
Now I should admit that recently I have been eating quite a lot of Bran Flakes at breakfast time as I was finding that they were making me feel so much better – and, bizarrely I thought, making me feel generally happier. To try to make this a fair test I gave up the bran flakes (just writing that makes them sound like some sort of a happy drug!)for a few days first, and those sluggish feelings crept back.
I love the 5-day challenge and definitely found myself feeling better again. I lost that bloated feeling and felt so much happier, despite it being in a rather busy week.
I think it’s a sign of how much I gained from the challenge when I was posting this picture on Instagram on day 6.
It may have just been a five day #realmumsallbran challenge, but on day 6 I’m still eating it and love this one.
I liked all three flavours, but have to admit that the Golden Crunch was probably my favourite. The texture was one that I hadn’t had in any other breakfast cereal and I really liked the crunch it had. The Red Berry one adds an extra fruity dimension that I also like, but for some reason I can’t put my finger on I just don’t want that every day.
As with so many things like this I finished the boxes that I’d been sent and then went back to eating whatever other cereal we had in the kitchen cupboard. Just a few days later I noticed that the sluggish feeling was back again and I was starting to feel all bloated and just not happy in the tummy department. The next shop I did I picked up some more of the Golden Crunch and the Red Berry Crunch and hey presto – happy tummy and happy Mrs C again.
Needless to say I’m pretty sure I know what my breakfast is going to look like from now on. Certainly the sign of a positive review is when you go and spend your own money on the product after trying it for free first!
Disclaimer: This post is an entry for the Real Mums of All-Bran Linky Challenge, sponsored by Kelloggs. Details of the 5-day challenge can be found here.
I enjoyed reading about your experiences. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.