On Monday a certain little lady turned three. Oh, how we partied. It's funny how two days of celebrations seems to have left me feeling as exhausted as I did when I gave birth to her.
With two little people in the house my crafting has slowed right down, but seeing as I was a special event I was on the look out for a simple little project that I could make in time when someone at my knitting group passed me a copy of the May issue of Let's Knit magazine. Inside there was a lovely little trip of quick projects to celebrate May Day and this crown jumped out at me as perfect for the birthday girl.
Knitted in Robin DK on 3.75mm needles it just took a couple of sessions to complete – and then a bit longer to sew in all the ends – and it seemed to work really well. The sizing was a little tight for LMC, and a bit big for her brother, but the stretchiness of the yarn meant that it would still go on her head.
In this case I followed the pattern exactly, but I'm thinking that future variations might include making the band a bit taller, using different colours and possibly adding some buttons as decorations. I'll get my thinking cap on before the next birthday!
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