Sorry, but I admit this has to be one of the least inspiring book titles ever and I struggle to imagine many children rushing out to buy this with their hard-earned pocket money!
The Story of Furniture is part of the Ladybird Achievements series (601) and sits rather strangely alongside The Stories of Radio, the Motor Car and Flight. Others in the series do include Churches and Cathedrals, Clothes and Costume and also Arms and Armour – slightly less thrilling than Exploring Space that's for sure!
I'm amazed how much there is to say about furniture and this book covers everything from stone age benches through to what was modern in 1971 when this book was published. It's quite interesting to read about how furniture styles and purpose changed as lifestyles have done over time. It has actually got me thinking about how furniture (and home furnishings) have changed over time and with economic circumstances. Obviously during the war years when materials were scarce there was much more focus on make do and mend and – old things. If you see what many people are doing today there is a similar ethos. Vintage is very much in fashion but many people are also having to use older styles or re-purpose what they can afford to furnish their homes.
Talking about vintage take a look at what was the modern style when this book was published – 42 years ago! Pretty much everything in this picture is exactly what vintage lovers would snap up today and I've seen similar to many of these things for sale at our local vintage emporium. It really does just go to show how styles repeat over time.
If you have a collection of old Ladybird books then please feel free to join in with Ladybird Tuesday. There are no formal rules to follow, just leave a link to any post you write in the comments below and if you're feeling kind link back to my Ladybird Tuesday category here on Being Mrs C. Thanks!
I've also compiled an index of all the vintage Ladybird books I own and everyone's Ladybird Tuesday posts to date – organised by series. It satisfies my inner geek and hopefully will also be of interest to others too.
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