This was the line that the children at Little Miss C's nursery had been asked to complete so that it could be attached to the pipe-cleaner flowers that they had made, as a personal message from them to their mums.
I'm sure the staff (and some hopeful parents) had visions of things like "… because she gives me lots of cuddles" or "… because she always plays with me" or even "… because she looks after me", but you need to remember that it's pre-schoolers that they're asking to do this and as all parents know children can say and do the unexpected. As I started reading the message accompanying LMC's flower I have to admit that it wasn't quite what I was expecting, or possibly even hoping for.
There's absolutely no doubt that this came from Little Miss C and it certainly made me laugh when I read it. And that's what really made it for me this mother's day – my funny little girl coming out with something like this. A message that we'll always remember and laugh about. A message that is completely from her heart right now. And you know what? I think she deserves potato waffles for tea tomorrow .
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